I have absolutely no clue...

Discussion in 'General' started by Chemdo, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. Why is it so easy for some people to say "Hey, Nice muffin top you have," or "Wow, you have such a ugly face," and it's impossible for those people to say "I like your hair," or "I'm sorry for being a complete assh*ol* earlier."???

    I'm just saying, are all of the fast, non-stop workaholics the "people" and the lazy, frequently smoking "people" are the punching-bag minority?

    Who's cool?
    The bully jock-prep, or the pacifist nerd-dork?
  2. ego..
  3. did someone say this to you ?
    i was thinking about something like this that happened yesterday. I saw this girl on the bus who had these very beautiful eyes, and i really wanted to kinda say out loud, You have nice eyes or something. But i didn't and kinda regret it.

    I'm sure nice comments like that would make someone's day

    But saying nice hair, could seem a bit creepy but that's just my opinion
  4. Wow, what movie do you live in?
    Why do some people get off insulting other people?
    what makes any insult productive?
  6. Maybe it's just that some people are too sensitive because they feel they haven't lived up to their own potential, so they see people who are enjoying success as something they hate.
  7. The only thing I can conclude is that people just suck.
  8. Sometimes, when I insult people, it's because I'm dead serious. But then again, I usually only insult people who come at me first.

    I was insulted a lot as a kid. It does suck. I do agree with that.
  9. "cool" is the absence of a self conscious mentality.
    i say if someone is gonna hate them let em hate, as long as they do it by their self
  10. I have a really tough time insulting anyone's appearance. Looks aren't something you ask for or design, you get what you get.
  11. Some people insult others just to feel better about themselves.
    I wish people would compliment eachother instead of insulting everyone.
  12. i believe that if you dont have nothing nice to say....then say nothing at all..

    i mean you can tell a persons intelligence... by the first few words out of thier mouths...:cool:

  13. This. Fact of life.
  14. Sometimes I insult people because I want them to insult me back.

    Making fun of each other is fun.

    Other times I make fun of people because making fun of people is hilarious.
  15. I talk shit all day in the cafe at our college. I would never insult people to their face, im not an instigator whatsoever. fuck that..

    We point out ugly bitches and hot ones.

    Our scale is 0-2




    or the simple 0-10 scale :D
  16. People insult others because they're insecure about their own flaws.
  17. This isn't an episode of Jersey Shore, lifes' problems cant always be solved with a tanning bed and an undustrial sized vat of hair gel.

    Who cares what's "cool", forget being "normal", be you. Pave your own road and walk with your head high, don't follow the shitty polluted road with your head down.
  18. #18 Wet Horse Lips, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2010
    You cannot have one without the other; you are grouping them as a binary. One is effectively designated its "absent other" in that you are speaking of the bully-jock with the nerd-dork in mind. They cannot exist separately. Also, one term tends to take precedence over the other; in this case, the jock overtakes the dork. I am merely attempting to dispel the myth surrounding this way of viewing the world. I am a student of cultural studies/media studies so...

    These workaholics as you call them are just unhappy people stuck (as everyone is) in a self-perpetuated capitalist system. They never truly get ahead, friend. Remember this.

    Luckily for you, we do have freedom of speech and such, so you don't have to interact with anyone you don't want to. :)

    EDIT: stoned/drunk, we have individual rights, etc. yadadada
  19. Ive been wondering this for a while.

    Espicially since the kinda of area im at right now. its the "cool" thing to be mean.

    So sometimes that shit rubbs off on me and i hate it.

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