Yall Might Already Know I Had Fraternal Twins Back in December 1 Boy 1 Girl An They Names Xavier An Arielle. Anyways If I Wannted To Change The Girls First Name How Would I Do That? ~Toni~
Depends on the state but some states allow you to change the name without a court order within the first 6-12 months of the babies life. Otherwise I believe you have to go through the court to have it done. But contacting your states health department is probably the best place to start and ask them. Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Oh Ok Thanks For The Help. I Wanna Change Her Name To Scarlett Lol You Might Like That Name Too But I Think It Pretty An Suits Her Better. Ima Ask My Husband To Call States Health Department For Me. ~Toni~
Scarlet Ohara from gone with the wind, book or movie. It is a MUST SEE!!! TALK ABOUT GIRL POWER!!! "as Lord is my witness, I shall never be hungry again!" PS great name!