i have a drug test some time this week

Discussion in 'General' started by VagDiddler, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. but i just smoked a blunt what should i do im kind of freaking out.

    the drug test is for a drug class i have to do for court, so if i test positive i will get in trouble. i have to do it once a week on a random day.
  2. Get someone else's pee.

  3. tha twont work they watch you piss theres a mirror on the other side of your dick
  4. Buy those three day cleanse pills or whatever; or buy one of those time window drinks. They're expensive as all holy hell but they work (for the most part).

    Which, really, one blunt should be well out of your system in a week's time anyway.

    Another (last ditch) method, but one risking a fail, is diluting your piss with massive amounts of water before you take the urinalysis. You'd want to take a certain vitamin too, though, so your piss isn't completely clear. Then they may let you retake it.

  5. i cant do the dilution method because ive been doing this thing for the past 2 months and they say you only have 1 chance to piss diluted urine and the second time counts as fail. ive already done it once.

    i heard they can detect the chemicals that detox pills or drinks use and that also shows positive... im not sure if its only certain types of chemicals though

    the thing is i dont really have 3 days because the drug test could be any random day.
  6. I've only used the drink once before, but it worked; and everybody I've talked to who's used it would swear by it.

    Just get the 3-5 day detox pills. They're a little more expensive, but they work. They could work even sooner if all you've smoked was a blunt.

  7. what is the name of it?

    and where do i buy some
  8. Ask your local head shop.

  9. i know they sell them i want to know specifically what type you used since you have experience with it. i heard some work and some dont
  10. Ah, I've never actually used the pills myself; only the drink. My brother in law used them a few weeks ago and passed his drug test after being an extremely heavy smoker though. But usually the head shop attendant will have all the information you need on what works and what doesn't.

  11. your post makes me feel like you're a paid spokesperson for that company
  12. [quote name='"VagDiddler"']

    your post makes me feel like you're a paid spokesperson for that company[/quote]

    Look at his username bro

  13. lol holy shit thats some sneaky shit
  14. Why would you smoke a blunt when you know you have to get tested. That was a horrible idea

    Just drink a shit ton of water the day of the test and hope for the best
  15. we can't help stupidity

  16. what do you by "we"

    i dont think other people want to be lumped together with you.
  17. i passed my tests from working out like a maniac and drinking a shit load of water. how much have u smoked in last 30 days. i passed my testsfor 6 months straight and smoked about a joint a day. the only reason i failed one after passing for 6 months was cause i smoked 5 hours before my test and only worked out for an hour before the test and i only drank half of the case of water. i drank so much in the first 3 hours that i couldnt drink any in the 2 hours before the test cause i kept gettin sick from drinkin so much water to quick. but if u work out for a few hours and drink a case of poland springs u should be good. unless u are over weight. cause the thc sticks to your fat cells.

  18. i have heard a lot of conflicting stories from people i've talked to.

    ive heard that because thc is soluable in fat the metabolites are activated when you workout so it is more likely to be detected. i have also heard that people with a lower fat % can process those metabolites quicker and be able to pass drug tests.

    both of these theories sound logical but could be complete bogus.

    my bmi is 23.1 and i have smoked probably 2 grams in the past week.
  19. im in the same boat as you man. i agree with everyone who said to just not smoke but water and creatine. (hopefully spelled correctly) thats probably your best bet, work the fuck out too, dont get detox drink's/pill's, waste of money.

  20. i already drink creatine because i workout

    ive never heard of it having an effect on drug tests though

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