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I have a couple pounds of AVB - useless or not?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by doctorMJ, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Spider mites, combined with my severe physical limitations as of late, have halted my grow/supply for the time being (and I'm in a non-legal state). In trying to maximize what I have left I came across lots of folks' posts about using AVB in oil and edibles and such. I have about 2 pounds of AVB that were ran through our HerbalAire II at 420 F and it is mostly all brown, some darker and some lighter (original weed homegrown Northern Lights - moderate strength). I put 3 g in some coconut oil, heated thoroughly and let cool. It was VERY unpalatable (ate from a spoon) and I actually felt I had some stomach irritation for a little while afterward, but if anything I only had a mild feel from it. Soaking this much with ethanol (like when I make coconut oil caps from flower) would use up a couple gallons to reap whatever little strength was left in it. That would be expensive even with ISO alcohol. I have a higher tolerance with my recent pain levels and I wondered, is this even worth using (the AVB)? Thanks in advance!

    Waiting on my state to catch up!?!
  2. I did a full extraction and filter with carbon and still have the tincture
    Trying to get it it tested
    P'Sam, who has pinned threads above, did a tincture that he got tested
    Believe he said it was 5% thc-a and not much else
    Devices are very efficient
    Saw other numbers posted on different sites so it depends on your vaporizer temps, how many hits you took and some other variables
    If you extract I would try to recover the ethanol
    It takes a lot and makes a nasty mixture that needs heavy filtering to be palatable

    IMG_20231128_183906.jpg IMG_20231128_184013.jpg

    There is something in there but unsure if the cost and end product is worth the effort

    Edit: sorry to hear about your limitations and hope you get back to your grow
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  3. There's a new method of extracting oil that may meet your needs. You can read about it here- Cannabis Home Sciences - RxCE Home Page
    It uses very little solvent and you can use 99% isopropyl or even acetone. Some folks on the forum have used this method and were happy with the potency of the oil, there's some discussion in Another Tincture thread but you'll have to search for it. Of course your AVB won't be as potent as new bud, but I believe this would be an affordable way to get what goodies are left in it. Otherwise I'm afraid you're right and the AVB is pretty well useless. Good luck!
    As an aside, I blasted a whole bunch of rosin pucks and got back a bunch of pretty oil, but it was not potent at all. I agree with @Tokintb12 and extraction may not give you anything worth having.
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  4. Thanks guys! Your advice matches what I thought .... it would be a lot of effort for very little benefit. I always run the vape filling bags and I get about all the good out I believe. Thanks again!
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