I have a bump on my dick

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by s3v loves you, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. i cant figure out why i even read this thread?

    but yea ive gotten one before most likley ingrown hair prob.

  2. it could be a sist or cist. i've had one. its nothing major. its NOT an STD

  3. Ha funny thing, i read this thread on my phone earlier at the dermatologis office because i too had a bump on my penis and balls. Turns out it was just small pimple like cyst, not an STD.

    Biggest phewwww of my life.

  4. Herpes sores go away after a awhile too. You might want to get checked out anyways, just for safe measures.
  5. I have always had a clean penis or as you say "dick" its called showering correctly or severe acne...
  6. [quote name='"PunchingZebra"']I have always had a clean penis or as you say "dick" its called showering correctly or severe acne...[/quote]

    I have pretty gnarly acne, not so much on my face though. Just..in random spots on my body
  7. I've had a pimple or two on my dick too, shits weird...

    Goes away after a week though if I remember correctly
  8. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP6Vcsw11g4]Dane Cook - herpes.avi - YouTube[/ame]
  9. sebacous oil glands i got em too that what the doc said they were,
  10. Bumps on your dick totally makes me moist.

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