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I Hate That Feeling After My High Wears Off

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PeacefulStoner, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #1 PeacefulStoner, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    I was really high before and now its worn off and im usually asleep by now. I hate the feeling after my high wears off, my body feels drained and i feel tired. The only way to get rid of it is to smoke more or fall asleep. I like to get high and then when im still high but it starts wearing off i fall asleep. I dont like staying awake until my highs over.

    Edit: I just ate some food and took a shower and i feel soo much better. Time to go smoke another bowl :bongin:
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. I would invest in a vape my good sir, I too get tired of being tired.
  3. Lol you mean burn out? I used to get burnt out sooooo bad, but I find now that I only really get high quality smoke I don't really ever have a problem with burnout.
  4. You can't get high without being low.
    I'm thinking this doesn't belong in "seasoned toker's"
    Also, i laughed at the tags for a bit. Seriously?
  5. I only smoke dank but i still get burnt out afterr
  6. LOL @ tags

    Yeah its a muscle relaxant broham dont smoke as much.
  7. Just keep smoking some more!! :smoking:
  8. a tall glass of water or some food helps me plenty.
  9. its a medicine that does that stuff to u like that
  10. Ah yes, the ol' dreaded "sobriety".

    I dare not tread those waters.
  11. I like the burnout feeling and the come down of the high. Relaxing for me.

    If you don't want it, then vaporize. There little to no burnout when you vaporize.
  12. I kinda like it. Let's me know my funs over and I gotta get back to reality. Until I smoke another bowl.. :bongin:
  13. Me and my friends call it afterbaked. I dunno I feel calm.
  14. Me too. I just get tired as hell when I come down from a good high. That's why I prefer to do it late.
  15. I just smoke again.
  16. I love it since I normally can't fall asleep at night so its pretty sweet just passing out at 9 or 10.

  17. I very much so agree. Only used one once, that along with cookies, and I didn't feel drained at all afterwards.

    Was awesome.
  18. As do I..... that's why wake and bakes kinda suck. But after a nice shower and/or a cup of coffee you're good to go.
  19. I used to get that. Not so much anymore

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