Yeah fuck mornings after woirkin 6 10 hour days in a row loading hay constantly the whole time, then waking up for ANOTHER 10 hour day. It's REDICULOUS and painful even. Fuck, I can't keep doing this.
lol lucky fucker =) I smoked a couple bowls of jack herer, went to class, learned nothing. now im home and relaxing, weeeeeeeeee
Morningus personus is a pretty rare creature these days. ( allright, so it wasn't THAT funny... dream wreckers. ) But waking up at 5ish... The world is barely moving, but nature has begun to put on a show. It's pretty fucking awesome. Not to mention a sunrise, they're amazing.
Often, if I want to be up early, I'll just stay up all night. It's easier to STAY up than it is to GET up.
I don't mind used to it. for some reason i always wake up when the sun hits my face..its a insta-alarm clocl
Haha yeh dude. I haven't slept too well over the last week. Leaving a week from today for bootcamp... I'm not too worried, but my mind is apparently. Oh and Melkor- Wake and bakes are awesome.