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i hate couch lock

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by scynt, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. man i had this brownie... and shit im tryin to play so cod... and damn i couldnt move for shittttt. :mad:
  2. Oooh yeah man I know what yer talkin bout. Man its the bomb.
  3. brownies can fuck u up baaad LOL, i remember i ate 1g of brownies and ended up tripping liek that cop who called 911 high on edibles lmfao.
    Just enjoy the high play cod later lol

    btw play barebones pure tdm, that gametype is fucken awesome.
    no killstreaks no perks no bullshit
  4. man he said its like a satvia and incidia blend? thsi shit si FUCKING me up man :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:

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