POst why YOU hate cops and wish them misery and darkness!!!!!!!!!! I hate them because as soon as they graduate pig academy they suddenly think they're fucking THOR or something and are all powerful and above the law./rant
Some cops can take their new found power to a stupid level. But most actually are okay, i mean at the end of the day their just doing a job to support their family. Just chill. and get high
Yeah.... FUCK THE COPS! Until someone breaks into my house, steals all my shit, rapes my girl, beats me up, or kidnaps me!
I've had my house broken into,my shit was indeed stolen... Cops came 6 hours after the call was made,one guy showed up took some notes and pretty much told us to fuck off. Yea man they DO help
We'll see who you're calling when any of this shit happens to you guys. I don't like cops, if you've read my posts on this site you should know that... BUT don't get mad at them for just doing their jobs. Get mad at the people making laws, not enforcing them. And if you want to live in a place with no police or authority figure... I suggest Egypt. Go ahead, see how that works out for ya
I don't hate cops i hate the power they wield. An idiot with power is very fucking scary especially when this idiot can uin your life, shoot you, beat your ass, harass you, take away family members etc etc. I think the truth about how cops act should be brought to light but even if it is who's gonna care? the police chief who is in charge of punishing bad officers?? fuck no lol