Oh man I could not wait one second more, my woman pulled over and I was out and crapping away in a split second. Bet it was funny to the passers by. " Hey look at this nut taking a shit" Thank goodness for a big handful of fast food napkins.
Should have opened your two side doors and used those as blockades Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="phunk doc" post="19451280" timestamp="1391323938"]oh...i wouldve shit with my ass out the windeh at full speed probabaly haha.[/quote]Hahah that reminds me of a vine I saw of some dude in the car next to the guy recording's car shitting out the window. I wish I could find it again Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I have never shit will driving, however I am a pro at peeing in bottles while driving!! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Lol i had to do this once. I climbed a giant rock wall and shit up there. when i got back, there was a cop pulled up to my car. Told him I had to shit and he let me go LOL
Lol that cop understands. Last time I pee in a bottle while driving. I filled it to the top and still had to pee. I dumped out the bottle while stuck in traffic, then I refilled it to the rim. If that wasn't gross enough, I'm not too accurate so the car seat and floor had piss on it. I brought my sisters car back, and gave her the keys. True story lol
It is and it was real it was shit on the road or shit my pants. LOL I said fuck it, just like a dog will shit in a crowed I let loose.
I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Rat Race, but there's a scene on there where a girl shits out of a moving van and it hits a police car behind them lmao.
I bet you had one proud woman ahahah! What if you didn't have those fast food napkins? Hey maybe if you didn't have those you wouldn't have had to take a fast food shit on the side of the road? Cheers! Great story made me laugh my ass off.