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I had sex with a girl but I dont want to date her, need help

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by OntheDopethrone, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. #1 OntheDopethrone, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    I fucked up. I dipped my pen in company stink: I fucked a girl I worked with. There will be a tl;dr at the bottom but here are the details.
    Came in to work saturday after being on leave, it wasn't my first day back but there are still a lot of new people I haven't met, anyway I come in, and right away this girl I work with is looking at me. The way she was watching me I thought she thought I was stupid, but I kept catching her looking. Well then I'm just standing at my register (I work at mcdonalds) and she's standing near me and she says out loud to my manager "Yeah that was the best decision of my life." and he's like "what" and she says, "becoming single." Apparently she had just broken up with him the night before. And so i'm standing there just doing my own thing, then I hear her say "My mom says I should just hook up with someone at work." I thought this was a rather obvious sign. Then she's talking to me and stuff and she mentions how I should text her after work. And then she gives me her number. So i text her when I get off, and we're just making small talk, talking about work and all that bullshit, and then she just goes "yeah. sooo why are you so cute?" I tel her its my genes, we talk some more, she sends me a couple pics and then I let the convo drop off, then she texts me good night or whatever. The next morning she texts me good morning and then I go in to work. She's there, and gets of until 3, but she offers to stay until 7, probably because of me. 
    After she gets off im still at work, she texts me like "hey cutie :)" and we talk about work, I told her it was busy as hell she goes "fun", I go "ugh not fun" she apologizes. Then I say "I am trying to have some fun after work tho" "LIke what?" "Like...are you busy tonight?" "No" "You want me to come pick you up?" "Yes"
    So I pick her up at 10, and this is a schol night but she doesn't go to school. I go to technical school but I didn't give a fuck about staying out late I was trying to get laid. From the first day we started talking (the day before) I just had this feeling she was down to fuck. And I mean, obviously I didn't like her yet, because we'd only had like 2 fairly short conversations, I was only talking to her because I thought she was trying to fuck. I didn't want to date her, it's against company policy for two employees to be dating, I was just wanting a fuck buddy. But anyway I pick her up and I already know I want to go to the smoke spot because that's best spot closest to my house for illegal activities. So i use smoking as an excuse to go there so i'm not just taking her to a remote ass spot for no reason. We get there and its really awkward at first, she's just showing me vines on her phone. I catch her staring at me, and leaning really close and I go "you can kiss me if you want" so we kiss and immediately she goes in heavy on the tongue action. Only while we're making out she goes "we can't take it any farther than this." I'm thinking bullshit.
    So we're making out and I start touching her, and she asks me to go over to her side of the car and sit on her lap (wierd) I'm like no lets get in the back seat. So we go back there and I start fingering her, she starts jerking me off, and she's like "if you got a condom we can fuck." This is good. So I fucked her, within 48 hours of knowing her, and I don't even know her last name. Now I'm worried, because I'm having to see this girl at work, and i'm worried she's going to want to date, based on two warning signs a caught. 
    1. She goes "It's going to be really hard working with you without just going up and kissing you"
    2. She keeps saying she needs to get switched back to evening shift (my shift)
    It's been two days since and we haven't worked together yet, but she's been texting me and seems to like m a lot. But the thing is I don't want a relationship. Especially not with someone I work with where I'm not allowed to be dating her. I didn't think she would want that either, I figured she's be down to be fuck buddies since she had sex with me the first time we saw each other outside of work, or maybe I was just the rebound since she broke up with her boyfriend like 48 hours before. What's even scarier is that today this friend of hers that works with us asked me if we were dating.
    And worse yet she just texted me while I was typing this saying "I'm starting to really like you"
    How can I tell her what's going on without seeming like an asshole. It's not that I'm some hit it and quit it douche, I just don't want to date her. I know I probably shouldn't have had sex with her but I mean, what was she thinking? She already got switched to my shift so I need I'm definitely going to be seeing a lot more of her.
    TL;DR: This girl I work with fucked me within like 24 hours of knowing me and within 48 hours of breaking up with her boyfriend. I don't want to date her but she's starting to really like me and I'm going to be seeing her all the time at work now so I need a way to let her know I'm not about that without being a dick to her.
    She just texted me saying "I'm starting to really like you" I need advice on what to say back. We've only known each other for like 3 or 4 days now.

  2. #2 LoveisKind, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    Didn't read, but sorry to say that you are in the wrong in this situation. You basically accepted her advances, had sex with her, and want to know how to "let her down gently"? On top of all this, you work together, so things are going to be very awkward. In most cases, one of the 2 ends up leaving the job due to those personal feelings being too much to handle. Obviously this girl's mental state is not the sharpest right now since she literally just broke up with a guy and you are probably just a rebound... idk. Either way, you have to tell her the truth and all you can do is see how she reacts.
  3. "This girl I work with fucked me within like 24 hours of knowing me and within 48 hours of breaking up with her boyfriend."
    Oh, well that completely changes the dynamic.
    I have something to contribute, but I'm procrastinating too much.
  4. Ha I have been procrastinating for the past few days.
  5. Sorry bro...youre gonna seem like an asshole. Just the way it is. Been in your situation MANY times. Not with anyone ive worked with, though. That's what happens when you think with the little head. Just make up some bullshit excuse. Something like " ive been doing some thinking, and im not sure im really ready for a relationship" or some crap like that.
  6. Please contribute im dying for help, she texted me like 30 minutes ago saying she realy likes me!
  7. #7 UnsuspiciousUsername, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
    We've all got problems, yo. 
    But to be honest, I love GC. Plus, I can always study harder for Exam 3 and the Finals.
    No wait...too risky. 
  8. Just tell her you aren't looking for anything serious. A dick would lead her on
  9.  Youre just going to have to tell her you don't want to date her. Simple as that. Sucks I know, but you have no other choice.
  10. She didn't fuck you, you fucked each other. You done goofed. Either she's clingy or you got the good D. There's not a way to cut it off without seeming like an asshole. You're going to have to be an asshole for her to get the picture. It's the only way. 
  11. Just tell her you met 2 days ago and you just want to keep it casual. If she doesn't want to then that's her choice.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. #12 ballinSTI, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    tell her you're gay
  13. My nigga!!!!
     Just print out what you wrote on here and have her read it.
  14. #14 Heroic Dose, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    man, i met the girl i plan to marry almost the exact same way lol. even if you have no desire to be in her life again, just be direct and honest with her and yourself. tell her exactly what it is you want out of your relationship (or lack thereof) and you wont be disappointed one way or the other.
  15. Tell her a SOB story about how you're still not over your ex and you're not ready to be in a relationship.
    Outright rejecting her could get ugly since she's a co-worker..
  16. #16 LoveisKind, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    Don't bomb it. Study even if it's just a tad. I slacked off studying for my last test in one of my classes and got an 82. Not the best but it's a B. I am assuming it's for a complicated math class.
  17. No, I loved up to Calculus.
    It's Physical Chemistry (upper division). 
  18. Oh fuck. Study asap! Haha sounds like a headache for me.
  19. I've literally been living in the library the past two days. This needed two weeks. 
  20. another thing I'm afraid of is that her ex-boyfriend said if he found out we had sex he'd find me and cut my dick off (he's absolutely batshit crazy, says he's not afriad to go to jail again) now obviously when I was fucking her I was thinking he'd never find out who I was, but i'm worried she'll get pissed and go back to him and spill the beans. That's not even half the story either, it's a long, crazy, hilarious one.

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