i had a real catchy title but cant seem to remember it now

Discussion in 'General' started by ripcapemay93, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. i havent made a post is awhile now and recently despite some wild shit everythings been pretty good. ive been working 48 hours a week making pizzas and cooking for the past couple weeks but due to not sleeping the works been killing me and i couldnt get less hours so i had to leave. long story short becuase i dont feel like typing anymore im too high and missing this movie but anyway today the surf was great then i gamed a bit went to eat then surfing again tried something new today, my friend and i both have 18" we the people bongs we milked them both at the same time he ripped one then in the same breath another but he didnt milk his very well so it wasnt that bad. i got destroyed on my turn and thats been that still high now hours later i dont understand why ive been staying so high for so long lately becuase i havent taken a break in months. anyway 2.99 meatball subs at wawa and some naked mango juice. the icing on the cake after i left wawa about a half hour ago i went to dunkin donuts planning on only buying 2. the guy ends up just givving me about 7 or 8 in a big for the price of 1 donut. siiiiick
  2. i thought this was the kind of thing people put in personal diaries:confused:

    lol, i'm just kidding :p

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