I guess some people just aren't meant to be happy(no negativity please)

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Berzerker42500, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Let me start by saying,I HATE bitching on the internet.But I have nowhere to turn to.

    Anyways,I'm starting to think,I'm just not meant to be happy.For awhile I was doing good,but once again it all came crashing down.

    Everyone around me,seems to be happy,yet I'm still stuck in the same position I've been in for the past 2 years.I feel like I've lost myself.

    I feel like I don't even know myself anymore,I've lost my sense of humor,everything.

    I was feeling like I was on top of the world for a minute,now I feel like I'm 6 feet under.

    I used to have dreams of being something and now I feel nothing.

    I just don't get it,I guess people just don't like me,everyone seems to just grow farther and farther apart from me.

    I don't even know what to do anymore.I just feel.....empty.I thought these feelings were gone,but I guess I was wrong.

    Life is Peachy...
  2. Its absolutely not true that you are not meant to be happy, you just sound to be going through a hard time

    And while everybody experiences even a mild bit of depression at one point of their lives, some people really do have chemical imbalances - it's all in your head, literally

    That quote seems like a pretty solid example of being bipolar, don't picture in your head that being bipolar means that your manic or anything, it affects million in the US, and it usually first occurs around adolescence and mid-twenties, and simply put it involves mood swings like the one you mentioned

    Just saying that it may be a possibility, and you should try and see someone about it

    And as for regular depression, everybody experiences it - they don't call it the common cold of mental illness for nothing!

    Hope this feedback may have helped or at least brought the possibility to your attention! :wave:
  3. i feel u man, same here....my family dont even talk to me, other than my dad and mom. but yea i dont know what to say to u, with me i just figure ill justy live my life and work and do all that and if i never meet any girl thats gona wanna be with me and love me and shit
    then ill just ........ yeah itl be over wit me

    .....but dont do that man thats just me, im a lil fucked in the head with this ghetto mentality(im just speakin real right now)

    whatever wit my problem hope ur shit gets better man....and r u bein social wit people? if not then maybe thats the problem.

    btw i meant take a 44 to the dome, nuthin to live 4 whats the point in living....once again thats just me, u dont do it.
  4. Yeah, the whole depression and bipolar thing runs in the family.But I just don't get it,I haven't been legitmately been happy in years,I felt like it was my time.It just doesn't get better.

    What makes it worse,is seeing everyone around me having everything I ever wanted.Everyone's getting married,everyone's moving on with their lives.It's really hard to be optimistic when things just get worse.

    Thanks for the input,my friend.
  5. damn i cant believe i just wrote that......dont pay no attention to it
  6. Nah its cool man,I know exactly what you mean.
    I mean,I do want to live life,but fuck sometimes I don't see the point if life is just miserable 24/7.I really just want to be happy again.
  7. The only person holding you back from being happy is yourself.

    People aren't going to just ...Come to you and be like "Hey! Let's be happy together and shit!", You've got to make meaningful connections with people. You've gotta be a positive influence to the people around you.

    I used to think that i would never be happy too...And i guess i still kind of do, but the thing that makes me happy is when i make other people feel happy, and so thats what i do.

    I don't exactly know what kind of answer your looking for here my man, but to tell you the truth, i don't think your going to find it here.
  8. #8 Berzerker42500, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2009

    See that's the thing,nobody gives me the time to become a positive influence on them or make a meaningful connection.I KNOW I could be that person(and want to be),to somebody else.I am a good friend/person,I just feel like nobody see's that.

    And I guess I'm not really looking for an answer,just a way to vent.I don't have anybody I feel comfortable talking about these things to.

  9. damn man same wit me....everything u been saying, exactly the same.......
  10. I feel the same way as you man, its a daily struggle for me to show even mild amounts of happiness. Honestly im one of the most emotionless people around, I even saw my great grandmother die and didn't crack a tear. Not saying i didn't care but its just the inability to even feel after year after year of what your feeling now. Have there been any traumatic events in your past? Cause they can come back to haunt you and you wont even notice it at first. My situation was being molested repeatedly as a young child and that has just desensitized me. If your case is trauma of any sort just go see your doctor and see what they can do to help you.

  11. Well,to be honest,I think I feel things more than most people.Kind of the opposite of what you're talking about.The emptiness I'm speaking of is a different kind of feeling.There have been a few traumatic experiences in my life.Suicide.Break up of a girl I was with for over 4 years who seemed to get over it a little too easily.

    I mean,I had a girl when I was at my least attractive.Now I feel I'm much more attractive than I was and there's nothing.I mean don't get me wrong,I know I'm no sex symbol or anything,but damn.
  12. #12 AlkaSeltzer, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2009

    Suicide of a close family member or friend? or attempted yourself? I've had all three and they can really fuck with your mind. Only advise I can really offer to help get you through this is to see your doc. If your in a medical friendly state you might be able to get a recommendation for depression. I self prescribed it as my treatment and it really does help.

    Pm me if you ever wanna talk about anything::wave:

  13. Family member.
    I had my recommendation for that,migraines and back pain.But it expired back in march,but i still get bud.

    Honestly,I started smoking after I broke up with the ex I was talking about and I was actually thinking of making a sobriety vow for awhile,because I was feeling really good.I felt like I was going to be able to straighten my life out again and rejoin mj later on down the road.I've been eating healthier,getting exercise in,keeping up on my hygene,keeping up on my yard.Everything just seemed to be getting better.
  14. dude no person is happy 24/7 365. ull pull through eventually
  15. Do a little reading on bipolar. The way it comes outta nowheres is what it sounds like. Then again i don't really know your situation that well so i cant comment.
  16. I feel that exact same way, I live in San Bernardino too.
  17. I'm in the position as you right now man, day in and day out I just feel so empty and pathetic. Mostly because of some stupid girl, who did the same thing as your girl did to you... We dated for almost 3 years and things weren't working out, but she seemed to get over it me so quickly, which of course just made me feel more worthless...

    But I'm at a loss for what to do too. Honestly life seems so pointless to me, every time I see a gleam of hope or a ray of sunshine, some bad shit happens and everything comes crashing down again. So I guess I'm not much help to your problem, but I thought it was weird how much I could empathize with your situation.

    And I think part of my depression comes from, not being emotionless, but the fact that I over-analyze every situation. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but unfortunately, I'm usually just being a realist, and apparently reality is pretty fucking negative.

    I wish you luck though, just find something you love and love it as much as you can. That always gives meaning to people's lives I think. When I broke up with my girlfriend, I acquired a puppy, and that did help, because I had an outlet for my lovin' :p

  18. Im sorry this sentence made me laugh. Couldn't not think of beastiality there:p
    But I do agree, an outlet is necessary for though kinds of breakup

  19. Ahh fuck, I didn't even think about it like that... Haha, I do not condone interspecies sex.
  20. I'm feeling alot better now,thanks for the positive input guys!

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