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I guess Im not Johnny Appleseed!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by k2rigs, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Okay, I guess I did this completely wrong! Before I joined this forum a fee days ago. Back in March I decided that I wanted to grow some plants. I read another forum *un-named* and In my area I heard that people would plant in late April or early May. They said as long as I had a place with good light and close to water they should be care-free and easy.... well heres what I did...

    April 24th I took 25 seeds from a stash in my toolbox from an ounce I had back in the day that was THE SHIT!

    I dug about a 7" D x 10" W hole on the bank about 20 yards from a creek. About 7hrs of light a day. I buried these bad boys and waited...

    and waited...

    and waited...

    and I have nothing still! There has been water, no prints from animals, Ive checked it weekly, no intruders, and not even a sprout...

    Does this means the seeds where just duds or do I need to start a different process... and is it to late this year now?

    FYI, I'm in west-central Indiana
  2. How old are the seeds?

    How deep did you plant them?
  3. seeds where about 3yrs old in a vacuum sealed bag and they were planted 7" deepish
  4. Direct seeding just isn't a good idea unless the soil is dramatically amended. The newly germinated sprout just doesn't have the vigor to penetrate the earth. What you should have done is dug a good size hole (5 gallons worth or more per plant) and filled it with the soil or soilless mixture of your choice. Then you should have germinated the seeds at home--there are numerous techniques for this--and after they sprouted you should have planted them in a small peat pot or cup or something like that. When they got to be at least 6 inches the could then have been transplanted into the ground. Then you should have paid close attention to their water requirements, making sure they were getting enough but not too much. And right now you would be posting with shots of your super dank nugs.
  5. Hey k2rigs -

    What you did would have been OK.... (Not perfect mind you but OK at least!) Except for the fact that you planted your seeds 7 inches deep in the soil. If they did germinate deep down in there they would have never make it all the way up to the surface to get the sun. They would just rot away before they ever had a chance to grow.... Try again next summer! Plant your seeds about 1 inch down not 7 inches!! Or like said above by others -- germinate your seeds first and then plant them!

    Kisses -
  6. #6 cantharis, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2008
    I soak my seeds for 24 hours in water, then sow them into 5 litre pots of good organic compost, planting them about 4 mm deep; I keep the pots warm and moist in a heated shed. They sprout in 2 to 5 days. Seeds need warmth and moisture to germinate - some people will tell you to germinate them using moist paper towels, but I see no advantage whatever in adding an extra and totally unnecessary step.

    After sprouting they get put out into full sun. I keep them in those pots until they show preflowers, then the females go into 50 litre pots - the guys go on the compost heap. If you have frosts you should wait until all frost has finished before you put them out.
  7. If you have done your reading as you say, you would not ask if it were to late, AUGUEST, to do an outdoor plant.

    Back to the books son, back to the books.

    Bad seds, planted to deep, who knows.

    I transplanted the weekend of the fourth with plants ranging from 9 inches to about three feet. All were over five within three weeks, and now tallest is over nine feet.

    I'm finally thinking that the projected yield of 500 grams or more per plant is really going to happen. With ten plants, eight from seed, (only two males from the eleven that sprouted) and two clones, trainwreck and Shive, I do believe I will be set for a while.

    Good luck when you decide to try again, IN THE SPRING!! if outdoors.

  8. yea man you dont plant them 7 inches down. next time do it the depth of your thumbnail and it will work out.
  9. high, im JohnnyWeedSeed and i grow marijuana 1" under ground. works everytime.

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