i guess a 1,000 was one too many

Discussion in 'General' started by No-Arms-Duck, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Haha, An Arizona boy charged in the shooting deaths of his father and another man kept a ledger of his spankings and told a Child Protective Services worker that when he reached 1,000, that would be his limit, according to a newly released police report.


    Ok i've had my share off ass whoopins, but 1000? kid must have been an unruly bastard, or the parents spanked him for little shit.
    either way i got a good lol out of it.
  2. #2 The Duke, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2008
    Hmm, I guess physical punishment doesn't work on some folks.

    Sure taught me a thing or two.

    Like belt buckles leave welts. ;)
  3. yea my dad use to get the belt wet:eek:
    i sure as hell learned not to do whatever i did again, or at least not get caught.
  4. I think this topic has been posted one too many times :rolleyes:

  5. Glad you're here to point this out. :rolleyes:
  6. Physically punishing children (from a psychological standpoint) can yield two different results: either the kid becomes more obedient and the physical punishment works, or the kid becomes violent. In this case, the kid's anger built up and he snapped. I'm not saying it's the parents' fault, but it just goes to show you sometimes traditional methods of punishment go awry.

    Reward systems are the highest rated ways to modify children's behavior.
  7. That kid must have been a bitch. Its like it was his goal. If you dont want spankings, dont be a dumbass. Its his fault his parents punished him. Now if it was abuse as in the spankings were unwarrented, then maybe, but thats no reason to kill them.
  8. I wasn't justifying the kid's actions, don't misunderstand why I posted the psychology stuff. I was merely providing a psychological explaination for the kid's sudden violent behavior, wasn't giving him an excuse. Does that make sense?

    The psychologist in me wants to analyze everything, haha. I need to know the how's and why's, it's my obsession.

  9. No, you hit whelps with belt buckles. I think you mean "welt."
  10. #12 pinball wizard, Nov 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2008
    Seriously, you think being hit helped you?

    When ever i was hit, it just created a burning desire to inflict much more pain on whoever hit me... Really the same as now, the difference is now I'm big enough to hit back. The way I've always seen any violence is, I won't start anything, but if you start shit, you better be ready for me to finish it. Violence is never the answer if we are to progress as a society, especially in response to NON violent offenses on the part of children, ESPECIALLY 8 year olds.
  11. Aren't you just a ignorant one.

    It's ok.

    Keep it up :D :wave:
  12. few years in prison and this kid prolly wont murder again.
  13. #15 The Duke, Nov 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2008
    My mistake.

    Only if I did something worthy of an ass beating did I receive one, and it made me think about what I did wrong.

    Not sure how I'm being ignorant, you're the one who felt the need to bump this thread with a handy bit of self righteous info on the search feature.
  14. They are not going to send an 8 year old to prison.

    He will go sit in juvenile detention center till he's 16 or 18 then he'll be out in the world again. If he had the balls to kill his dad, he'll kill again. It's only a matter of time, watch for his name 20 or 30 years from now... I see a serial killer in the making.
  15. Family relationships are nothing to the burning hatred created by repeated injustices. If he was beaten 1000 times by not only his dad, but a stranger, and was only 8 years old, I think it might be understandable. I'm sure he needs counseling, but have you ever felt very wronged by some arrogant asshole and wanted nothing more than to hurt them as badly as you possibly can? the diffrence is he was 8, so there where less reasons not to act on that feeling.

    *edit* yes, I was spanked, but not often, when I did something REALLY bad. I have great respect for my parents for that, because it's easy to just use your size to force whatever you want if you have a misbehaving kid. I mean, I was a right lil jackass, but being hit more wouldn't have helped, it just would have distanced me and my parents.
  16. wow didnt notice the eight years old part haha, yea id say they bete have some niice ass detention centers with good schoolin otherwise hes gonna be fucked up when he gets out haha.
  17. this makes me sad.
  18. Yeah, but this guy wasn't exactly a "stranger" if he was living with them. It was prolly his dad's best friend and he had been around the family the kids whole life, thus, it would be very acceptable for him to spank the child for doing something wrong. But I can't make speculations on that.
    Even the kids own grandmother said "If anyone that age could commit murder, it would be him" (paraphrased).
    That shows you right there the kid is fucked up.
    I know I learned RIGHT quick that when I got my ass beat for doing something bad, to quit that shit on the spot. What the hell was this little bastard doing over and over again that caused him to get spanked? And OBVIOUSLY it wasn't that bad if he had told this to a CPS person and they didn't act on it, because those people don't play.

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