I greened out, now pot is hell for me.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Ryan456, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. So I was at the beach with my friends over the summer. There were about 4 or 5 of us, and we rolled 4 js for the boardwalk. We found a nice place to smoke (looking back on it, the backside of dumpster isn't exactly nice) and killed the js. Everything was great. I have a particularly low tolerance, no matter how much I smoke. So I went to go sit with my friend who doesn't partake but is always down to look out for us. We just sat there for a little and talked. I was completely off my ass at this point, but the sound of the nearby ocean calmed me down and I was sitting so I was relaxed already. At the point in the story, my high takes a big turn and manifests itself as a low. I stand up, I'm alright for a few minutes as we walk back towards the boardwalk. However, I feel something come down upon me. I feel nauseous, my head begins to spin and my legs feel as if they've been set on fire. I felt sick in a way that I can't explain. I legitimately believed I was going to die. My friends keep walking and don't seem to notice me dragging behind. One of them does a mental headcount and realizes that I'm missing. It's at this point that walking had drained so much of my already depleted energy that I had to just sit down on a bench. I remember my eyes swirling as if they were caught in a whirlpool. Someone was plunging their thumbs into my temple but to my knowledge, there was no one behind me. So hopefully you get the point. Eventually, I came down from what I consider the worst experience of my life. Now smoking weed 100% yields result similar but less intense. A constant feeling of impending morbidity. Sickness. Death. My past. It all comes to me at once. How do I fix this? Weed used to be amazing for me. I loved smoking and getting high with my friends. Now it's all crashing down around me.
    If anyone could supply with tips or tricks to overcome this, I would appreciate it more than anything in the world. Thanks.

    I greened out and now I always feel like shit when I smoke, please help me overcome this.
  2. Well cannabis is not for everyone

    If it causes these negative effects then why do it?
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  3. If you can't handle 4 joints smoke less. That makes it much more bearable
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  4. My buddies girlfriend was the same way, claimed to be allergic; she would have one toke and would green out, so we just gave her a tiny hoot and she was fine.

    Try just one hit

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  5. do you have negative shit going on in your life at the moment that may be coming to the surface while high? Take a break let things settle and come back slowly.
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  6. Never thought of it that way, lots of family stress (moving, sister going to college, money is tight, etc...) going on right now. I guess I'll just lay off for a while and smoke after I move and I'm settled in.
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  7. I didn't mention this in the post, but I've been smoking for 5 or 6 years now. Four joints was nothing to me until this day.
  8. Maybe bad weed then. Or you didn't eat enough
  9. Smoke less potent stuff. Been smoking all my life and never heard of "greening out." You have a low tolerance, you say, and the weed we have access too is so much stronger than we've had access to in years past. With good strains, you don't need a blunt. A couple of tokes will do it. Just a waste of good bud to continue to smoke. You only get so high...regardless of how much you smoke and you will not get any higher, just waste your stash. The first buzz of the day is the best. You have to allow time between episodes to get a good buzz. You just got too high. TWW
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  10. crazy. wouldn't you think smoking a few j's would help that stress?
  11. too much too fast is never good, especially if you don't have the tolerance. slow it down, make sure you're properly hydrated and have eaten recently. having a low tolerance is a blessing haha no point in trying to screw that up now. take a hit and chill.

    also this might sound silly but remember to breath. sometimes you can shake that feeling with some deep breathes but if you feel like you're gonna pass out just sit your ass down immediately. no point in you bouncing your head off the pavement or worse.

    edit - oh and sugar water is bomb for that feeling as well :wave:
  12. thanks, gonna try all of that.
  13. I dunno ...I can't say I have ever felt that while using cannabis . Maybe try smoking way less?

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  14. I don't know about you guys, but 4 joints seems a little excessive in the first place. I've had weed that I could smoke an entire bowl by myself of and then stuff where I can barely survive a hit of.. Weed can vary in potency to a pretty large extent.

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  15. Take smaller hits... but if this happens again, drink water or flavoured water with electrolytes (Gatorade). And have something to eat. Eating usually brings my high down a few notches....but if your nauseous just drink water and lay down. And when it subsides a bit, eat something. Also practice controlling your breathing. Take deep breaths, in through your mouth, out through your nose. Focus only on just controlling your breathing. This works for panic attacks.

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