Yep it's another one of those I'm leaving and never coming back threads by people you don't actually know or care about, but here it is anyway. This place is not the place it once was, I don't know if it will ever be. Even when I signed up originally I could see how much it had deteriorated from when I first started. I feel like the mods are cracking down because their jobs are now twice as filled with requests to fix things, remove threads, etc. I also feel because of what I have mentioned that a much stricter policy has been enforced on GC lately. I feel like new users don't contribute anything but clutter to the website. I feel like it was stupid to remove the discussion of other drugs, just so we could all sit here and pretend we don't do them. I hate the fact that they removed the negative rep system, what's the point of having positive rep if there is no balancing feature? Just seems so asinine, why not just remove the whole damn thing? I hate the fact that the political forum has become nothing more than the two major parties and a bunch of mostly libertarians(real republicans I guess) who think they're better than the other two even though they don't realize they're just the same. I hate the conspiracy theory nuts that have hit this website so hard since it started getting popular. I hate the way many of the situations with other people getting banned were handled. Really I just realized that I don't like this website anymore. I show up here for a few badass people to read what they have to say occasionally and anytime I actually want to sit on the forums I start to actually feel disgusted at the way this place is trending and what it has become. That all being said, I'd like to thank a few people who made my stay here really fucking cool. AugustWest - You my *****, one of the only people in the political forum that actually has an ideology but isn't up his own ass about it. I'd say you're somewhat objective on a board that has nothing but opinions on it. I respect that. Wet Horse Lips - You pretty funny, I think you understand where I'm coming from. DirtyPete - Funny Melt - For slapping up the science board on the daily with good stuff. Burntwaffle - Doubt you even visit or read the forums(think he got banned) but he was badass while he was here. I'm sure there are plenty more and I'd venture to say that other than AugustWest and Burntwaffle the few I thanked probably don't even know who I am. Who knows maybe I'll come back and this place won't be a shithole, and maybe if I do come back I'll be banned but if that's the case it only goes to show this place really went down hill. All that being said if you bothered to read through it, anyone know any other good counter culture(if ya catch my drift) forums? P.S. I realize this post will change nothing, no one will care, and that it's full of my opinions. If that's what you have to say to me, don't say anything and let this thread die out instead of bringing it back up. Love you guys, MikerelliFTW
hope you get everything figured out man good luck and god speed with whatever it is in life you choose to do. love you to :*
I came back to tell you that you, you specifically, I hope all the worst things for. I hope to give you all the bad vibes or jujus or w/e you want to call it. I hate you, and I hope you kill yourself. I'm not being facetious in any way. Don't care how it reflects on me, but specifically you, I dislike. I know you don't care, but just for me, in the back of your mind just keep the fact in your head that I hate you. Cheers =)
hey man i remember you from back in the sorry to see you leave. if i never talk to you again, i hope you have a great life, and find another medium to talk through.. thats what i love about GC so much. Its just a kind of journal for me ya knoww... i can go back to when i was 15 years old and see how my thoughts and ideas have changed throughout the years.. you just gotta sort thru the clutter to find the gold. but it is there man, lots of it. and theres tons of us old school blades still floatin around.. but it is what it is.. and the way things have been being handled, you might just get banned for speaking out the way you did.. much love fellow blade. you will always be a blade whether or not you return.. MIKERELLI FOR THE FUCKING WIIIIIIIIIN
any reason? but just remember in the back of your mind that i have hope for the all people like you! one day my brotha one day we will all see each other as equals. good luck in life
Well I wish you only The Best Mike....I do hope one Day you will be Back..Wish I Could have got to know you Better. Good Luck Mike!!! I'm Growing to Close this as you did have your say.