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I got weed problems ... some advice would be great right now

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by imageek, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Hey dudes, not been around a while. Life is hectic.
    I'm having some issues at the moment with weed. I've been smoking pretty solid now for about 12 months, almost daily. I'm at the point where I can go through half Oz. in 3 days. It's getting very expensive, but for some reason I feel attached to the weed.
    The problems come when I don't smoke. If I don't have weed throughout the day I am a horrible person to be around. I'm moody, agitated, racing thoughts, struggling to deal with "reality". I argue with my girlfriend all the time when I don't smoke. But when I smoke, boom it's all gone. I feel normal again.
    So now, I have to smoke it to feel normal.
    But, there's a twist, sort of. I found weed really helped me in life, because before I smoked I was depressed, suffering major anxiety, finding it difficult to work (I'm a freelance programmer), and life was very rocky.
    When I started smoking weed regular I was noticing that I had no anxiety. I had no depression. I could actually focus on work, and I was/am very creative whilst working. I can solve some pretty difficult programming problems whilst stoned, but when sober I'd have no chance. The mundane parts of this job actually become enjoyable.
    So, I'm in a position. I can't continue to smoke the way I do, but I can't stop. If I stop I go back to normal life, which was pretty crap before I started smoking. Plus, I lose the focus and creativity when working.
    Is it possible to go back to smoking 1g a day and still getting the benefits of the weed without having to stop?
    Would love some advice guys.

  2. Sounds to me like you need to force your self for a tolerance break. One month at least would make your tolerance go down.
  3. Switching strains will help keep you from over smoking one and building a tolerance to it fast. I don't know what the options are for you but if you have multiple choices in strains, switching it up helps.
  4. Because of my location, I've got a choice of about 3 strains on a consistent basis, but there's only really one of them that will get me high which around here is called "haze" but, that itself is misleading, so I can't really tell you what strain I am smoking lol.
    Eventually I will grow my own plants. That's the goal. Some lovely Sativa's and a few hybrids.
  5. #5 Messiah Decoy, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    Sounds like if you stop smoking your anxiety and depression will come back.
    I'd say keep smoking daily but use a quality vape so you don't burn through so much weed.
    Pretty much yeah. If I stop I'll end up going back to being an anxious, depressed, wreck. That life was not fun :( 
  7. You are psychologically addicted. Join the party.
  8. Growing your own is really the only way to go. I'm no expert and I manage to do just fine with what I think is better than most of the stuff you can buy in my area.
  9. Sounds like you stifled your mojo. Change your smoking environment and/or pattern(s).
  10. What you described sounds like dependence. Most people think that weed isn't addictive, which is true in the sense that it's not like narcotics, but you can be psychologically dependent on it. See the attachment.
    Take a 4-day t-break and see how you feel. The first 2-3 days you will probably experience appetite problems, irritability and maybe sleeping problems. After that, you're pretty much normal.
    Try not to use weed as a crutch in your life, but instead as a substance which enhances your life. It's like the difference between an alcoholic and someone who just gets wasted at parties for fun.

    Attached Files:

  11. I'd say try to slowly reduce how much you use, going cold turkey might be very tough for you.
  12. a gram a day is a lot man, you just need to bring your tolerance down which isnt too hard to do. alternatively, since youre a freelance worker i would assume you have the flexibility (work-wise at least) to move to a state where you can grow recreationally or medicinally, then the cost or amount will be of no concern. 
  13. he's smoking over 4 grams a day
  14. simply... weed should enhance your life. change your perspective. if it is interfering with your day to day life then you need to regroup. try using a vape and pacing yourself. your frustration may also be a personality trait, not specifically caused by cannabis. good luck.
  15. one month will only help your tollerance for a couple days. I would do much longer if you want that 1G to be effective
  16. Well im not suprised you feel like you need it.. if before you were extremely techy and unfocused and weed calms you.. take a t break and try not to build it up
  17. Suck it up. Quit for a week. And see how you feel. I would recommend atleast a 2 week t break
  18. I don't think this is a weed problem, it's  likely just a means to mask deeper issues. 
    1)Try writing an expressive journal. It allows you to lay everything out on whats bothering you and gives you a clearer picture, and may help you build psychological coping mechanisms.
    from the link below "I would like you to write your very deepest thoughts and feelings about the most traumatic experience of your entire life or an extremely important emotional issue that has affected you and your life. In your writing, I'd like you to really let go and explore your deepest emotions and thoughts. You might tie your topic to your relationships with others, including parents, lovers, friends or relatives; to your past, your present or your future; or to who you have been, who you would like to be or who you are now. You may write about the same general issues or experiences on all days of writing or about different topics each day. All of your writing will be completely confidential."

    2)Try look into the CBT worksheets
    3)How's your lifestyle? maybe diet and exercise improvements can be made.
    You mentioned that you have racing thoughts, so basically you're in a mind wandering state.  Through meditation you'll learn how to use mental techniques to get out of that state of mind and back to the present moment.
    Sorry but it just annoys me to no end when people say this. Not everyone can just up and grow in their house. some of us live in apartments, with family, have busy schedules etc. It isint a realistic option for everyone. 
  20. You've become dependant on weed. Cut down, to like .5g's a day, use a vape since it lasts longer and more effective. Smoke like .1g five times a day to stay high. This will lower your tolerance greatly and much less money spent on green. Good Luck :) - Ben

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