I got away from the cops!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by UndeadMilkman, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. #1 UndeadMilkman, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2009
    Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense, i just smoke 3 bowls:):)

    Alright I've been meaning to post this for a while, its the reason i joined but you guys get me so sidetracked

    Anyways so i was driving my new slick black Honda Prelude and i was smoking in it and it was hot boxed and im on the way to the skate park from the mall. i get there and i see this cop that has taken 3 pieces from people i knew. So i see she is up there talking to kids and I'm baked as fuck. And she knows it, but i have no weed on me and i smoked a Jay and my pipe i had i just got back from my friend that has been using it to smoke K2. I know how to deal with cops and she knows this from previous encounters with me.

    I guess some kids came by who was yelling at cars. (WTF?)
    But anyways she won't leave these kids who are like 15 years old alone, they just want to skate. So i go up to her and i say, "What seems to be the problem this time *her name*"
    And she says, "Oh you, I don't have to tell you whats going on."
    So i ask the kid and he tells me she is accusing him of "yelling at cars"

    So i tell her, "Seriously, the kid is skating, why would he waste his time yelling at cars? I swear your just being stuck up like you always are, how about you get back in your little fancy car and drive off."

    She instantly says, "Well i think I'll have to take you with me, your obviously intoxicated"

    Bam i cut her off and say, "HA! No No No, yes i am high as fuck! but you can't prove anything it was anything illegal! so what now mam?" (She has accused me of smoking weed when really i smoked K2 and she got the K9 unit and found nothing)

    At this point the kid leaves and she doesn't notice, so she keeps staring at me and i say, "Well staring isn't going to help... do you want to search my car?"

    And she says, "You know what, you got me again, I'm not saying i hate you but you need to watch yourself. One day your luck will run out and your just going to be another law breaker sitting in jail, and I'll be there to show you it would happen. Not because i hate you, because i feel you need to learn, smoking marijuana won't help you in life."

    So i grab my piece and show her and say, "No marijuana in here! That stuff is illegal. You'll never catch me with weed on me, and you'll never know when i have smoked weed. Trust me, you've pissed me off to the point to where wherever i see you, i won't be afraid to come up and drop by to see how your doing."

    She finally left, i put my piece in the car and found a fucking bowl under my case where i put my piece in. I was lucky and i won't offer to let them search my car ever again.

    But you probably called me a cocky person but no, seriously she has a big thing against weed. She has to get K9 units involved, it pisses me off. She's brang in the dogs on all three times my friends smelled of it. I've gotten away from her many times, she was my high school cop chick and I've fucked her over many times.

    Also, I people i tell this too don't believe it because they don't really know cops, i do know her and she knows me pretty good now. I've embarrassed her in front of everyone in the school gym at an assembly because she searched me and everyone was watching and she found nothing because this girl uh... hid it for me in a special place because she got searched too.:cool:

    That was some good weed....
  2. She totally wants your cock.

  3. If your talking about the cop i ought to punch you in the ovarie
  4. What,is she a beast?
  5. more like ogre. and im not saying that to be mean, i don't know why she just has a big... head
  6. got stopped by a lady cop
  7. you shoulda been like

    "the only thing youll find in my pants is deze nutz!"
  8. Lol dam you guys she's fucking not my type.... and she can't run. I swear there were juggalos in front of my school beating some kids ass for pulling a knife on them and she just fucking tells the principal and he runs over there and she just starts walking with minimum haste.

    lol turns out juggalo isn't in my computer dictionary... but crip and bloods are... Just saying im using windows right now, any of you juggalos affended go fuck with microsoft :)
  9. I told the cop the other day "I smoked all of the weed already" when he pulled me over and asked where the weed is after he got a big whiff of dank coming from the car.

    I really did smoke it all lol.

  10. Its all fun till they rip your car up looking for the weed your "hiding"
  11. For sure, ahhaha.
  12. Dunno why you would wanna waste your time doing that kinda shit.
  13. Well, I'm pretty sure that if she really wanted to that she could have detained you for involving yourself the way you did and interfering. Not 100% sure though so if anyone else knows...
  14. im sorry but what kind of idiot approaches an officer when they werent even bothering you? youre just asking for trouble, and its gonna get you in trouble one day
  15. ..as the officer stated.

    Which is funny because you KNOW shes gonna be makin fun of him while hes sittin in jail and makin him do stupid shit like get ass checked and take maximum showers with his fingers tied together so he can barely hold the soap:smoke:.:laughing::laughing::laughing:
  16. No offense to you, but you should try and smarten up.

    Its one thing to know the law, its another to break it and confront someone who is there to guard it.

    P.S. It is illegal to be under the influence of anything or to use anything other than the directions, and though i am unsure of what K2 is (i can assume its a legal alternative) that can get you a charge. Even though it will be dismissed in court, its better to stay far off than get involved.

    One of these days, a P.O. might get upset at your actions, and though the law will work in your favor to protect you from criminal duress, you may end up facing lots of unnecessary time in transit.

    Seriously, guard your shit, but be aware that being guarded is no excuse for full penetration. :)
  17. Wait, so you see a cop in a situation where you are not involved and you WILLINGLY get involved. It seems like you know the law, so why don't you try and use some common sense next time.
  18. this title is bs!! thought u dipped from a popo turns out you talked shit to a cop and ran off. whatever floats your boat i would probably do the same thing just cause i can and make the cop look like shit.
  19. #19 Yourcatdead, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
    Common sense is overrated. This guy is smart.

    I give you +1

    wewt :hello:
  20. I'm so confused.. you said you took your piece out and showed it to the cop? That's paraphernalia, even without weed it.

    Unless you meant something else by "piece"? I'm assuming you weren't strapped lol

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