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I got arrested....

Discussion in 'General' started by SIR_JANE, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. :(Here how this goes last month i got arrested for a 12020 possesion of a dangerous weapon they were some brass knuckles the cop found on me...He arrested me cus I wus smoking a ciggaret keep in mind im 18 but he searched me cus I ''wouldnt cooparate with him'' I have never been arrested before I dont have probation nothing and this is my 1st offence and felony an now im waiting to go to court. I was wondering what do you guys think the judge will give me? I was hoping electric monitoring device instead of jail time im just worried as fuck i aint trying to do a month in the can thanx..
  2. Well if its your first offense, they will more than likely drop it to a misdemeanor(sp?). You might have to do community service or some shit. Maybe they will offer electronic monitoring in lieu of incarceration. Whatever happens, don't let them stick you with a felony for this. Claim that you had them for self defense, that you had been assaulted before and were taking precautions. Be sincere, this is the rest of your life, and trust me, you don't want a felony haunting you for years.

  3. right i getchu homie what if i told them that the cop searched me illegaly can i use that to my advantage?
  4. not sure on the electric monitoring device... I was thinking maybe, the chair.

    Did you say that you just found it like, 5 minutes ago and was about to hand it in at a police station?

    I've been caught with stolen credit cards before (in my misspent youth), and I got away with it by saying exactly what i just told you.

    fair enough, they may know you're lying... but can they prove it?

  5. Unless you can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, its the pig's word against yours.
  6. right i get you well i got 3 freinds on my side who witnessed it so i might have a chance well see how it turns out gracias for the info tho:smoking::D

  7. DEFNITLY. You can have all the charges dropped for that, non cooperation for smoking a cig when the cop has no probable cause is pretty obviously BS.

    And are you saying those didnt have a lil knob so they could be used as a belt buckle? If so, they where totally legal so long as you claim to have legal belt buckle related intentions, and if not, next time make sure to get that kind. they just have a knob that goes in the hole inbetween the middle 2 fingers and the other end goes around the part that fits in your palm. Also, if your belt is like mine an allows for fast removel via a snap, just wear em.

  8. while this is partially true, the fact that the burden of proof is on the prosecution has always been a major theme in american law. They actually have to prove what you did, and you just have be sure the proof is discredited.

    the bad thing here is, what they're charging yhim with is simply possessing the brass knuckles. Now the cop found them on him, so there is no doubt that the proof is credible. That doesn't mean there's not room to wiggle.

    but yeah dude, it's your first offense. You're gonna be straight. Unless there's some lame zero tolerance in this case.
  9. Now that u mention it it did some with some kind of thing you can use to latch on to it so i might tellum that I didnt know it was illegal at the time and that i was using it as a belt buckle :D

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