I got an 1/8th from my dad! holy shit!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BlueD, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. #1 BlueD, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2011
    I was doing a wake n bake gravity bowl to enjoy my leisure friday, when my dad comes around the corner and catches me mid hit!

    He like went back into the garage real quick, then started to tell me not to smoke in the front corner of the house because people are walking by and might smell the weed.

    So I'm pretty embarrassed, because I didn't know if he's cool with me smoking up all time, and the fact he caught me mid hit.

    I go to my room and turn on my computer. I start playing counter strike, when my dad asks, "Alex, do you need gas." I answer, "Yes." But I tell him to just leave the credit card on the bed, because i didn't want to talk to him really about the whole incident.

    My dad tells me to turn around, and just tells me to either smoke in the bathroom or in the back. Then he hands me like a 1/8th of weed in two little zip lock bags. "Do you have a jar for this?" says my Dad. I tell him yes. He leaves. I then start victory dancing, because i'm SO FUCKING STOKED:hello:.

    Here's the picks haters![​IMG]


    Sorry for the shitty quality of the pictures, my camera sucks!
  2. that's super sweet that your dad gave you some budskis..

    but, i hope you don't let your dad pay for everything..i mean, "leave the card on the bed" sounds like it's a normal thing that he fills up your tank.

    be independent, son!
  3. At least take it out of the bag... cool that your dads chill with it. How's the smoke?
  4. Next step - blaze with pops.
  5. :smoke:haha. yes the next step is smoking with him. And i'm still trying to find a job. I'm been really lazy, and just focusing on my studies.

    I didn't smoke it yet, but Ill roll a J of it and see how the high is. Wait....

    should i roll a J of it and smoke it with my dad? This just popped into my head
  6. Yup - and if the high isn't good enough/isn't on par with the bud you normally get, roll another one up of your stuff. That's sure to put a smile on his face
  7. Dude, it is your responsibility to try and convince as many Regan and Nixon era adults that MJ is totally awesome. Smoke with your dad, and hopefully y'all have a good time. Then he smokes with his friends, starting a chain reaction.

    Plus if you don't offer to smoke with him after a hook-up like that, you're a pathetic little fuck.
  8. Do you really think his dad needs to be convinced? ;)

    How about this kennedy/Nixon era dude, do I need to be convinced. :D

    We do work on our peer groups though. I even have one former anti-pot Corrections Officer that wants me to smoke him up after he retires. :smoke:
  9. I was in know intending on saying all Nix/Regan days adults were non-smokers. I would guess most aren't though, and he will hopefully make change on this Earth. Also, I don't believe his dad needs convincing.
  10. fucking killer!!! my dad thinks weed gives you Alzheimers rofl yet he drinks daily
  11. That would be funny as hell if he smoked it without smoking with his father. Id laugh...in his face..while blowing smoke in it.

  12. lol and marijuana supposedly helps reverse Alzheimer's.
  13. So what your saying is if I smoke weed I'll live forever? PLUS i could beat Iron Man in a fight?
  14. That's sick dude

    Now you gotta talk to um about weed,

    Ps just saying the pics could just be your weed but I still believe you lol
  15. Tell him you need a little more. I used to fuck with my dad so much heh.
  16. Now go smoke it with him...
  17. I used to smoke with my stepdad all the damn time. He used to steal my weed too, I'd get home from school and I'd have like a gram missing.
  18. i wish i got weed and gas from my dad, that would make me so happy :smoke::smoke::smoke:

  19. dope story man!

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