I got a lighting Q needs to be Aed

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by phyking, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Ok so I jusy got a 150w hps system, ballast, hood, exc. I need to know how far away should the light be from the plant? My exhast takes air right off the side of the hood so I am not to worried about heat.

    So can I put the light closer as long as the temps stay down?
  2. Generally between 12" and 24". This isnt the best section to ask questions though...
  3. Put the light as close as you can get it without physically burning the plants.

    I run a 400w as close as 6 inches sometimes if it's cool enough in there.

    Ignore the above poster. He is wrong.
  4. Cool thanks guys!

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