I got a D in statistics. Should I retake the class?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BWilliams, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. I'm only taking 2 classes this semester because that's all I need to graduate from community college and transfer to a 4-year university. I got a D in statistics and i think I can replace it with a B.

    The professor I took never took attendance so I'm sure I can only show up on test days. Financial aid should cover most of it.

    I'm taking an honors class for history and a BIO class which should take a lot of work but should be manageable.

    Should I take statistics again or stay with 2 classes this semester?

    I'm looking for fast advice and can't seem to make my decision. thanks
  2. 1. 2 Classes? come on you can handle one more...
    2. Only show up on test days? thats probably why you got a D in the first place
    3. Come on its statistics, i took AP stats junior year of high school.
  3. ^ Great advice. :smoke:
  4. take it over...D is no good.....cant transfer usually.....plus u r taking 2 classes...go for it.....but dont try to remember probability & statistics while high as your probability of not getting a B goes up
  5. then you should know why he only needs to come to the tests.. i never even took the stats book from the teacher in highschool told her i wouldn't need it and got an A-

  6. Yep, I would do the homework problems and get lessons on YouTube. I knew a lot of the material but I got messed up by confusing what was going to be on the tests.

    I registered for the class.
  7. Raise that shit man
  8. Just take it in your 4 year college man.

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