I get my girlfriend flowers everyday.. What makes Valentines day special is..

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by 420Report, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. she doesn't have to just roll em up and smoke em. :smoke:


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  2. I'd love whoever sent me one of those
  3. just imagine if that was one massive cola.

  4. lol that's sweet. i just finished watching all 6 seasons online.
  5. Funny shit, also a great show
  6. this was such an awesome show till about season 4 started:( great threadt hough
  7. we got a comedian in the house
  8. Dude... love the show.

    Umm.... where can i order these from?
  9. ^ would like to know the same!
  10. you can send her this valentine flower.[​IMG]
  11. I just learned there was a humor section of GC! :wave:

    Where can I acquire these fine flowers?
  12. thats brilliant, do want

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