I fucking love Wiz Khalifa

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by Royksopp, May 6, 2011.

  1. #1 Royksopp, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
    There, I said it.

    I love wizzy :D



  2. Was that supposed to be an "edgy" statement? lol Cabin Fever ftw
  3. #3 CUtoker, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
    eh he's got a few good songs. nothing id go out of my way to listen to though
  4. Because someone made a thread saying "wiz khalifa sucks dick - there I said" so now I made the pro-wizzy thread lol. And I'm not some huge fan of hip-hop. Like, I listen to it but I don't look up songs or anything so wiz is the first artist in a while I actually bother looking up.
  5. Kush & OJ, Cabin Fever, and Rolling Papers were his worst albums/mixtapes ever.

    there, I SAID IT.
  6. didnt he catch trafficking and possession F's for weed last year?
    i know court can take a while but it looks like somebody ate the cheese
  7. he got possession and he bailed out on close to $300,000.
  8. I like Pittsburgh Sound and Keep The Conversation, both of which are on Show and Prove.

    Other than that, nahh..

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vIyFZp-_wk]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa- Pittsburgh Sound with lyrics[/ame]

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gljr1mc5rU8]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa ft. Boaz - Keep The Conversation[/ame]

    killer Billy Joel sample :smoking:
  9. He's ight
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IBptAEQgJI]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa-Never Ever (High Quality[/ame]

    I feel his flow
  11. Im deleting your number
  12. Wiz doing his thing. It's funny to watch artists blow up if you follow them from the start of their career, you can predict how people are going to start the hate-fests :D
  13. You love me. YOU LOVE ME.
  14. Saw him last night

    Was pretty cool
  15. 300,000 bail for possession.

  16. Burn After Rolling (B.A.R.)
    Kush & O.J.
    are his best mixtapes. Wiz is raw.

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