I fucked up my relationship with my girlfriend.. For good this time i think.. Friday we were doing good, got in a fight at like 2 and my anger always speaks for me and i cant control it and i told her to fuck off and i was done.. I regret that now.. I tried to get her back but she is pissed, she wouldn't talk to me, told me to leave her alone and shes done and sick of fighting. We have been fighting a lot lately but we never really tried to fix it, and she said the past few days she hasnt been happy because of it. Like overnight she put on this like strong shit or something, you know? My anger always fucks shit up and i say shit i dont mean A LOT in the past few weeks, she said i really hurt her. I've been with this girl on and off for 5 years, and not more than a day or two at a time, and for about the 3 years it was on 90 percent of the time.. We took each others v cards, and i FUCKING LOVE THIS GIRL. And i know she loves me. Help me blades what can i do, i talked to her for about a day and she didn't really want me to, and i guess not talking to her few a few days is the best to let it cool down.. I'm going to get some flowers, like 3 real ones and one fake one, and a card that says i really can change and i love you so much, and ill love you until the last flower dies, and it wont die because it'll be fake.. I think i am in depression because of this too, im really sad, got wasted friday, and yesterday. What should i do, i really love her, and i need her..
that flower shit is so corny, please don't do it. I think you like the idea of your girlfriend more than your girlfriend and thats why you chose to stick with her.
If you do get back with her, prove you have changed, maybe enroll in anger management class, maybe that would show her you are serious of changing.
Actions speak louder than words, if you really want to prove to her that you want/can change, go get some counseling. You could even do couples counseling to figure out a better way to communicate and not let things get to the point of fighting and saying hurtful things. If you've been together for 5 years and you're still fighting a lot, she's probably not going to believe you that you're going to change. Why haven't you already?
Get some damn help with your anger issues. You sound like one of those asshole boyfriends that snap at their girlfriends for the dumbest things. Fix your shit and then your girlfriend wouldn't be having problems would she?
If you pull the flower trick...as corny as hell as it is...don't fucking tell her that one of them is fake, that's the whole ploy behind the flower trick. And yeah, get some anger management...when the hell did stoners get so angry anyway? Dunno, must be a location thing or some shit because I've never met an angry stoner.
You have been on and off for 5 years, and have anger issues.... Get over it and move on, as much as you might think so, you are not right for eachother.Let the girl go find a a good guy for herself.
1. You need to find someone you are compatible with 2. Anger ruins relationships; find a way to get rid of it
Nah i havent been on, and you guys are all reading this the wrong way. Its hard to explain, we dont fight non stop. Just when we do get into a fight i say something i dont mean.
yea we were talking today, we do need a break because she was living with me for about 2 months and we are way to young to be together 24/7 like that, i was hugging her today and stuff, kissed her on the cheek and she didn't mind. Ill keep acting like this , i get paid friday, going to buy a big thing of flowers and a card.
totally killed it u took it 2 far i just got a lightbulb above my head. u guys should just have angry sex
yeah there isn't any magic trick to these things if u really do love her then u should know how to get her back on her own and get some anger classes and chill out