I found this hilarious

Discussion in 'General' started by kamikazikillah, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. So im hammered drunk right and realll high right now and i was surfin the good old itnernet and found this. i literally laghed for a good 20 minutes too the point where i couldnnt breathe.

    let me know what you think. (maybe its one of those things you gotte be real drunk and high to understand so give it a chance.)

  2. lol it just ganked that mat..i wonder why:confused:
  3. Hahaha nah man I'm sober and that shits crackup :smoke:
  4. RACOONS HAVE HANDS?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!

    thats what had me dieing laughging. wtf this arnt paws
  5. rofl does that shit have thumbs?
  6. Wow i think wee al just realized somthin........raccoons are fuckin hilarious

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