I found alot of seeds in my weed.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by DENA626, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. So i went to the MEDshop earlier, I was breaking up my weed and i find 6 little brown seeds.
    Can i plant them?
  2. they need to be super dark.. some have dark lines... yes.. if you have the time and space... plant them... what strain? might be a super tall plant
  3. You absolutely can plant them, don't waste them if you don't have the time.
  4. Nice find op. Usually seeds are considered bad but if its good weed then thats like some treasure bro.
  5. yes u can plant them they are seeds.. unless they are a weird color then just brown and ur good to go!
  6. Lol might sound cheesy but its pineapple express. Im going to attempt to grow it, this will be my first time ill probably fail
  7. Pineapple Express is a good strain. Nice feel to it.

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