I fookin give up :(

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hot_tokes, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. goddamn this bitch:mad:

    been flushing my latest girl, she'll be ready in a week, BUT....

    PH seems absolutely resolute on staying at 6.8-7.0...have had uber troubles with this one tbf, and yes, some of those troubles were self inflicted...i fucked up my nute mix at the halfway flowering stage, and she hasnt forgiven me since :(

    I burnt her basically, and the PH has been out of whack since, but now, no matter HOW much water (pH'd at 5.0) I put trough her, it wont come down, and this is the outlet for my fucking anger, anguish, pain and sorrow :mad:

    Moral of the story??? Fuck knows, maybe, if you get out of whack it's hard to get back???? (well in my experience here anyway)

    Thanks for letting me rant at ya :smoke:
  2. Cheer up -- if you have just one week left and you're flushing then the pH doesn't matter very much. The reason pH is so important is that the plant can only uptake nutrients when the pH is in a certain range. Get outside of that range and it doesn't matter how much nutes you give, the plant cannot uptake them. But now your are flushing and will stop feeding precisely so that the plant will no longer uptake nutes. So no big worries about the pH. Certainly it still needs to be somewhere around neutral, but don't sweat 7.0 that's almost in the proper range anyway. Relax and enjoy your harvest.
  3. Rah, you know what? Just reading your reply took away the anger haze and made me realize, "shit yeah! Who gives a toss with a week to go"! :D

    Cheers Toasty, you legend :smoke:

    Just as a matter of interest, say i wasnt about to crop, say if I still had, I dunnno, 4 weeks to go and I had this issue(god prey it never happens), how would I go about fixing it?

    Just KEEP ON slapping PH'd water through until she shifted? Coz feck me I slapped some through this girl and no change!

  4. ugh ph 6.8-7 is perfectly fine...

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