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I find it funny that weed helps asthma

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Batmanchu, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. I've had pretty bad asthma my whole life, but that never stopped me from smoking cigars, cigarillos, hookah, and more recently, weed. When I smoked hookah, somehow, my asthma got slightly better. Anyway, I first started smoking weed about, Septemberish? Maybe late August? Anyway, the second time I smoked, and the first time I got high, it was amazing. I hadn't had that easy of a time breathing since I was a small child. We were also smoking hookah at the time, and after I was baked, I started taking these massive draws, I was amazed. I finally felt what normal people can breathe like, and dammit, if my breathing hasn't gotten better since then. Ever since I shipped off to college, I haven't had to use my inhaler at all until recently due to the winter and the stagnant coldness of Wisconsin. I only wish that I knew a dealer to here, so I wouldn't have to rely on my sister.

    tl;dr I'm amazed that smoking weed is good for asthma, and it has actually helped me. Can't wait to blaze with my sister next week.
  2. You should be amazed
  3. Well there's why you have asthma

  4. I was actually born with asthma so.......
  5. Cannabinoids are also vaso-dilator ( Your lung airways open up)
  6. Tobacco closes your airways restricting breathing, especially if you have asthma, weed opens your airways and throat.

  7. Oh ok, if your born with it then you can smoke hookah and it wont hurt you. I get it.

  8. That's not even close to what I was saying.
  9. Oh so you've been smoking hookah since you were born
  10. Does it it entertain you to talk down to people?

  11. I think its safe to say this guy has no idea what hes trolling about.:rolleyes:

  12. Hookah is horribly disgusting though. I'd rather smoke cigs but i've been off that crap for a year now. It's all about the ganja for me now :hello:
  13. I also have asthma although it is mild. when i didn't smoke weed it had been kinda bad, then i smoked and i didn't use an inhaler for a whole year. then after I quit weed for 3 months (due to being extremely sick) my asthma came back full force, I then started toking again and its gone. oh and hey i live in Wisconsin too ahaha but the summers humid air made my asthma worse than the winters dry air.
  14. #14 stifler84, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    Okay, I've had a serious case of asthma and allergies since I was born. We're talking in and out of the ER until I was about 7-8 years old. I use to have to take 6 medications daily, blow on a peak flow (chart to measure lung capacity) DAILY. I had the hospital come and sell my family a machine that I could put liquid in and sit on four 45 minutes twice a day just so I could breathe. So through all those years, I'd like to think I've learned a thing a two about asthma.

    Here is what I can tell you.. If you think the marijuana is helping your asthma, you're sorely mistaken. Don't get me wrong, I partake in the activity myself. However when you burn any material and inhale it you are causing damage to your lungs. In addition to that.. Have you ever looked at the inside of your pipe or bong after smoking for a while? Thats your lungs if you smoke regularly. I think what you're misconstruing is that the marijuana is significantly less harmful than tobacco is.. So you lungs are almost getting relief from not as much damage.

    I hope I didn't offend you in anyway, I only tell you this information so you don't harm yourself in the long run by thinking smoking will somehow help you. Marijuana most certainly wont harm you severely, but like everything it requires moderation. If you can do that, you shouldn't have a problem with your asthma. Happy Tokin'.
  15. [quote name='"hippie4u"']

    Well there's why you have asthma[/quote]

    A hookah is a smoking device, just like a bong or pipe. Most people choose to put
    Poison in it instead of herb yes, but don't hate on the hookah just for peoples bad life choices.
  16. #16 Im a Pothead, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    yeah ik what you mean, but instead of causing the airways to restrict like tobacco and other smoke types marijuana relaxes and dilates them i think that's what OP means by he could breathe better. but any ways if your really worried about your lungs get a vape better in every way. i will probably be getting one this december:D
    Edit: my bad didn't realize so many people already said it helps airways.
  17. Okay, guys. I don't smoke all the time. I haven't smoked pot or hookah since October, and before that late August. And cigarillos and cigars aren't inhaled into the lungs, even though some smoke might inevitably might be.

    I am under no impression that smoking isn't bad for me, but I do it anyway. Why? I'm stupid? I dunno. I can also attribute my bettering asthma to me moving away from the 3 cats we have.
  18. Ironic huh?

  19. I'm assuming you're trying to imply that people should smoke weed out of a hookah. Why would you ever put weed in a hookah when you can just pack it into a bong? It's just a waste of marijuana and it does the same thing as a bong except you need to pack a larger bowl for it to work and you burn a lot more in every hit. It's just pointless so yeah when someone says hookah I'd certainly assume they were referring to tobacco smoking and nothing else.
  20. [quote name='"CheesyDelight"']
    I'm assuming you're trying to imply that people should smoke weed out of a hookah. Why would you ever put weed in a hookah when you can just pack it into a bong? It's just a waste of marijuana and it does the same thing as a bong except you need to pack a larger bowl for it to work and you burn a lot more in every hit. It's just pointless so yeah when someone says hookah I'd certainly assume they were referring to tobacco smoking and nothing else.[/quote]

    Ive used hookahs just for herb and it works just fine. Only at parties though where there's like 5 of us smoking.

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