I finally had a Lucid Dream last night! I think..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by RunningRiot, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I have just recently started my month long t-break. I've heard stories about people saying that when they take t-breaks they get VERY vivid dreams. So I figured this would be a good way to achieve an important goal of mine, and that is to have a lucid dream. I figured I'd try to start a dream journal, and it shouldn't be hard considering I will be having some vivid dreams. Unfortunately, I either don't remember my dream by the time I wake up, or the dream wasn't vivid what-so-ever. It's been about a week and I've only managed to log 2 journal entries, and one, that was from last night, I could only remember about a paragraphs worth of it.

    I was originally going to make a thread asking why my dreams are becoming more vivid, when I all of a sudden remembered.... I had a fucking lucid dream last night!! How could I possibly forget? I've been wanting to do this for so long now, and I even wrote it down on my bucket list. I would imagine that would be the first thing I remember when I wake up, but I've been up for about 5 hours now, and it JUST hit me.

    It wasn't what I was expecting though.. possibly because it was my first time? Maybe I just didn't know how to handle it? All I can remember is walking down this street with a bunch of people.. when I realized I was dreaming for some reason. I don't know what made me think of it, I just remember saying.. "am I dreaming? HOLY SHIT! I'M DREAMING! I'M DREAMING!" I was instantly tried to control it. We were all walking and the first thing I told myself to do was stop walking lol. I stood there and watched my friends continue to walk. I then tried to mentally pull one of my friends to me. It...kind of worked? But it wasn't like you'd see in the movies. He didn't smoothly flow close to me.. he kind of skipped.. as if my mind was a shitty computer and couldn't process that kind of fast movement. (You know when your watching videos and it kind of skips?)
    After that, I remember the control of the dream sort of... fading away? I tried to fight it, but I honestly can't remember if I was successful or not. I could have had a giant sex orgy extravaganza and not remember it....but I doubt it.

    But I dunno..would you classify that as a Lucid dream? I was able to consciously tell myself to stop walking, and I tried to move my friends around, but I still didn't feel that sense of control of the dream that I was expecting.. is it because I am a n00b still?
  2. Lucid dreaming is a tough thing to master, and not all that common. Sounds like you did have one, considering you were controlling your actions. Dream journals and reality checks have allowed me to have lucid dreams a few times.

    But, not smoking does make my dreams a lot more vivid. I could never become lucid while smoking, I would need at least small break (2-3 weeks).

  3. He last lucid dream I had, I tried to fly,
    Too bad I only got like 20ft off the ground

  4. I jus read that and realized how long it's been since I've had a two week break:eek:

    I would love to try to master it but I love to listen to music so when I wake up In the middle of the night it puts me to sleep fast.
    I do remember a vivid/ possibly lucid dream( like 7 yes ago) where I was running away from people at a park near my house. They were chasing me for something and I was deciding where to run and hide. Long story short, the plugged me full of bullets but there was no pain, just a very warm feeling in the holes, but I knew I was dreaming. Idk
  5. Yeah, lucid dreaming isn't instant uber control over the dream. That takes months/years of experience.

    First, you have to cross the threshold of realizing it's a dream.

    Sounds like you've made progress though, keep it up.
  6. How often do you guys have lucid dreams? I'm seeing all these posts about people saying the last time they had a lucid dream was years ago. I sure as hell hope it's not another year before I have another one.
  7. The first 2 dozen or so times I realized I was dreaming and realized I had control, I would get so excited I ended up waking myself up.

    One time I was able to make everything purple before I woke up.

    I read how you are supposed to look down and spin in a circle and it is supposed to have you stay in your dream state and remain lucid, but i fucked that up and ended up waking up still.
  8. Since I stopped smoking last march I have one about every month, and every night I remember my dreams, last night i woke up at 4 different points and remembered my most recent dream at each point I woke up.

    While I was smoking on a regular basis, I went years without even remembering a dream, let alone getting lucid.

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