I figured it out

Discussion in 'General' started by alwaysdown, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Just had a random theory I thought of yesterday if anyone feels like a quick read...

    So, it's pretty much accepted that humans are evolving extremely slowly because of the fact that natural selection does not really apply to us,(natural selection is the accepted theory that says evolution happens when animals are born, the best and most equipped one raises above and has the most mates and repopulate most, spurring evolution), so since we mostly only have kids with 1 maybe 2 people in our lives. But anyways, I think that if anything else holding us back it's ourselves, for example, the humans prime organ is it's brain, we have the most evolved brain of any animal and are capable of complex life. So I feel like the smartest of smartest people should be excelling socially and not just academically, but nowadays it seems like the smartest people are more often social outcasts, usually pushing themselves away from people... Which of course leaves the mates to the other humans which are not as smart but are more outgoing and social? So what iv been thinking is, the complete evolution of humans may be shifting in a completely different direction and humans have stopped getting smarter, and over time are just becoming more of social butterflies.

    Am I sane?

    Thanks for reading by the way?
  2. #2 sfsc, Jun 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2011
    5 Unexpected Downsides of High Intelligence | Cracked.com

    But, to play devils advocate:

    true. the monkeys and tigers and lions really do have an education system, mass agricultural and industrial powerhouses, sewer system, etc that rival ours. We need to pick it up. ;)
  3. So our brain or how we interact with people is pushing us back? If so , yeah I understand

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