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I feel way depressed right now?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by z16, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Does weed make depression worse? I just found out my best friend is moving it just brought back tons of memories and stuff and I feel extremely depressed like I just got dumped or something hah, usually smoking kind of covers my depression
  2. Are you gay for your best friend?
  3. If you are gay for your friend, that's okay, life goes on.

    If not, weed does not make depression worse, vape or smoke more buds and get on with your life. Manifest yourself new positivity.
  4. Smoking doesn't cover depression. I used to think the same thing. The initial euphoria makes you feel better, but then the rest of the day (when you aren't high) the depression worsens. Weed is no good for sad mind sets. It only ends up making it worse
  5. i don't know how many times this has to be said to people but weed works differently for everyone

    when i get depressed, it doesn't matter how much weed i smoke, i'll still be upset. But i hope you know its perfectly normal to be upset over your best friend leaving - just means you care a lot for them.

    time will carry you along and if you're anything like me, you'll come out of it soon. If anything go visit them every now and then and make them visit you so you guys can still be buds and make new memories :)

    i lost two very good friends to drug overdose in highschool and it KILLED me inside, all my favorite things, including my favorite foods, just all looked like shit...

    but now i realize they wouldn't want me to feel that way and just cherish the time i did get to spend with them and that thought alone makes me feel much better.
  6. Why is weed not good for a sad mind set?

    If smoking weed makes you feel good, SMOKE WEED! Then, eventually try to vape, but that's another issue...

    If other things in your life are depressing you then yes, most likely you have other things left to figure out bring yourself some kind of resolution.

    But if smoking a bowl in the morning makes you feel happier more open to love and life, then just smoke! Lifes too short to do otherwise..
  7. No medicine, including weed, is a "one size fits all" fix for the human psyche.

    See how it affects you, if it makes you feel more depressed before or after taking it, don't take it again until you find yourself in a place where you are no longer depressed.
  8. It's not good for a sad mind set because it just isn't. It's one of the few negative aspects of weed. Believe it or not, weed affects the brain. Believe it or not, depression is strictly a mental thing. It's all in your head.

    Weed is not good for anyone who has problems mentally. It's not like exercising where it feels good and that's it. Weed feels good, but it also alters the brain. If you want full explanations and what not, here's a link:

    This isn't some bs propaganda, I can say weed is not a good tool when dealing with depression first hand

    OP smoke if you want, but I suggest sorting things out w/o weed. I know what depressions like. Smoking weed will cause you to just avoid/ignore your problem, not confront it.
  9. i literally lold.

  10. No I was comparing the depression to how it feels when I get dumped which is the worst depression I've experienced, I'm definitely not gay, though I don't have anything wrong with being gay
  11. Yeah, weed is a very bad drug for people that need a hug. Time is the best cure for depression and weed only slows down your session. And you're a lil gay no matter what you say.
  12. no offense but you're like my girlfriend. if there's anything that would normally make someone sad sober she'll just full out cry when stoned haha

    and it happens a lot man, that's what weed does. exaggerates your mood. and on certain unmentionables it's altered times a thousand. so if you cant handle being a little bit depressed on weed....

    but in all seriousness i hope you feel better man :smoke:

  13. funny guy :smoke:

  14. That picture in your sig.......... where can I get such a thing?
    It looks really really good and I want
    no jk

  15. Haha no offense taken, I guess I'm just a sensitive guy haha, and thanks!

  16. fixed it for ya.

  17. Whoa man! That was really funny of you. You made it look like I said something that I actually didn't.
  18. Hey.. don't follow my masterful rhyming trolling with base insults.

  19. i was just kidding bro. the oppurtunity just arose. Didn't mean anything by it :eek:
  20. no biggie niggy. :D

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