I feel like going on a rant

Discussion in 'General' started by scout695, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. I'm bored, I'm fucked up. I just feel like rambling. Read if you want, I really don't give a shit. Chances are I know none of you in person or have ever even seen you. Or I might know quite a few of you and never knew you even knew about this website. That's the fun of shit like this right? 
    I've seen and been through some shit. Addiction, fucked up break ups, some fucked up things... which has led me to where I am now. Stuck in a small southern town that I grew up in. But see, back in the day, this place was the shit. I grew up with the older crowd around here, so I was introduced to drinking, mainly, and pot at a younger age than most. But these days, I don't have many friends around here because they've either moved or went to the army or some shit, and truth be known I really don't have a lot of friends anymore. The ones I do have are good and I love them to death, I wouldn't trade them for the world. But shit... sometimes it seems like I'm the only one in this town who wants to throw down and have a good time.
    I've got so many questions about life that'll never be answered and it sucks dude. Why does some of the shit happen that does? For instance. The world is really fucking old. Why in the years I've been living, do we get stuck with an economy that's tanked, a president that's trying to run this fucking country into the ground, and such a depressing time in the world? This country is going down the fucking shitter. I work my ass off so some lazy fuck can sit at home smoke pot every day with no job living on welfare. Fuck that shit and if you voted for Obama FUCK YOU!!!! I understand somebody recieving welfare for a short amount of time but if you live off that shit and continue to live off that shit and food stamps and shit FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a fucking job!!!!!!!!!
    I really have no idea where my life is gonna go from here, but if theres one thing for certain, I can't keep going on like i'm going.
    Alright I'm done and I'm sorry if I've come off an asshole. I really am a good person if you'll get to know me a little bit. It's just been a bad night.
    Thanks for reading and like I said if you didn't, I really don't give a shit. Have a good night GC.

  2. Take a deep breath slowly........ and exhale slowly.  do that 5 times. 8 seconds inhale 5 seconds exhale.
    Don't you feel better?
  3. Keep ya head up and you sir have a good night as well
  4. at least you still have your legs :D
  5. Just jump OP
  6. Group Hug! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. You have a very warped view my friend. The world is not in the shitter. People today are living more comfortably than any other time in history. You gotta realize the simple pleasures. Count your blessings, because you never know when it could get 10x worse.
    Plus, dont blame get mad at people that voted for obama, thats just idiodic.
  8. There is more opportunity now than ever, the power to create your own software, music, business at the tip of your fingers. This country only needs advanced professionals, honestly its people who think manufacturing in America and over paying people for their labor will save this country who are backwards. If your skills are not up to current standards then change that, we live in a global economy. The successful people will be the ones who realize this and become a global citizen.
  9. Quit bitching.
  10. Stop watching Fox News.  It's warping your brain. 
  11. Finally someone that doesn't act like typing is hard when your fucked up. I hate when people type like idiots and attribute it to their intoxication. I agree with you man. Fuck the world. Los gatos used to be cherry fields and stuff. My dad would tell me about how it was, him and his friends would bike around for fun, climb trees, listen to musical music, and play sports. Now, los gatos is comprised of superstores, malls, chains, and all that shit. I live in Santa Cruz, and I walk down to the beach and just see trash all over. It's fucking ridiculous. I can't surf after it rains cause all the leaked oil from cars and all the trash from the streets gets washed out into the ocean. I walk down the street and I hear the same computer generated, obnoxious "songs" over and over. Turn on the news? Everyone is killing each other. We haven't had rain here at all this winter. Washington might have to ship down water, and we will have water blackouts. I listen to jimi Hendrix, Bradley Nowell, bob marley, 2pac, and big l - then I realize they're all dead. Been replaced with superficial, social network-absorbed, dumb, shallow fucks. There are some fairly undisturbed places though. I camped in big sur about a year or two ago, and it was beautiful. Of course, the water falls won't be falling this time around. Fuck the world. I clean up trash that I see. It may not make a difference in the world at all, but it's a start. You gotta think community before world. The world is fucked. Maybe your own community doesn't have to be.
  12. 2014. People still believe in politics? Yea the world is a bit fucked but it makes no sense to blame the puppet, or the spokesperson. Congress has a huge role in things too.
  13. #15 geetardude, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2014
    Keep your chin up, and never look back. You can't change anyone else, you can only improve your own self. You said yourself you can't keep going like you are, so figure out what you can change to make your situation better, and do it. People living off welfare isn't going to change, simply because nobody wants to give up that comfortable $1000 monthly, to go work minimum wage to make $600 monthly. Can't really blame them too much, however, there are options to acquire REAL skills. Those on Federal Assistance can go to school for free, so that's not to say that there isn't a scourge of a population out there just too lazy to do something for themselves.
    Edit: As for obama, those who voted for barak obama, deserve barak obama. Politics is a failed system, time to move on to something better.

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