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i feel like a..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by General Shroom, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. W3AK B1TCH!!

    I don't know what it is. I just got 3 grams of some really good weed. Like this shit is nice. And I packed a tiny bowl just to try it out. I smoked it and got like 5 or 6 hits and I am already fucked up. I can tell. I am scared to smoke more, i have like 2.6 grams left. I think I might get too high and start fuckin upp.

    I feel like a weak toker, like I can't handle alot of weed.

    How do you guys smoke alot of dank at one time?

    lol i don't know if this made sense, I'm high as balls.:D
  2. u got good weed...and a low tolerance...ur lucky y are u scared. y do u wanna smoke the other 2.6g's if ur already fucked....just to be like veryone else on the site with a sky high tolerance???
  3. ivan basically said it
  4. shit dude how are you gonna complain about that lmao ur fucked up off .4. lmao just save it till ur not high then smoke another .4 that shit will last you a good while. But why would u feel weak for smoking less then somone else and getting more high off it? If anything i think that would make u a strong smoker for not having a rediculously high tolerance:smoking:
  5. Send me the rest if you're too scared to smoke it.
  6. I don't know what happened earlier. I guess it was because I havent smoked dank in a while. the high was different and more intense. But after a couple more bowls I started getting used to the high. I dont even know what im typing right now. Im high as fuck still. (just smoked a bowl) :smoking:

    LOLOLOLOLLOL SIKE! i would be down to smoke it with you. I love smoking with other people.:wave:

  7. nah, dude.
    your lucky.
    I'm a lightweight too,
    get baked off of three or four GOOD, LONG hits.
    be proud of your ability to get high quick and easy. XD
  8. hell yes man, my one friend probably gets pissed when i ask to chill out on snaps because im already high.:hello:

    i cant wait to start smoking again its going to be like christmas
  9. Man, I would love to be a lightweight. I'd be happy to save weed like that. Just smoke until you're happy with how high you are.
  10. keep your tolerance low.less money blown and there is no such thing as a "weak toker" imo.
  11. Y'all are lucky with your low tolerances, shit.
  12. true story
  13. Thanks guys. I don't know what I was thinking earlier. I was being weird when i first got high. But today came out to be a pretty cool day. I ended up bringing over 1 of the grams i bought earlier to my friend dougs house. he matched me too. it was tight. alot of heads tho. like 6. lol. but i was packing my weed so i always got greens:D

    dang. it is nice to be able to pack little bowls and get high as a kite.
  14. Dude, wtf. Just smoke less. I wish I could still get rocked off 1 bowl.

    0.4g of dank is a decent amount in a bowl IMO. That is way more than I'd give to a beginner.

    I had some dude freak out and pass out in my yard after giving him 0.15g. I swear, I didn't know he was a beginner.
  15. you should smoke to get to the high you want and maintain it. if it takes less, than lucky you.

    i miss the good ol' days when a bowl of dank could keep me mad high for hours.:rolleyes:

    but those days are long gone.
  16. .15g....thats not possible
    even a beginner would only get a hefty buzz.......even if it was dank.
    i think he was over exagerating
  17. I think it was his 2nd or 3rd time smoking and he never had dank. He looked looked totally gone and just randomly said "shit, the cops are coming" and stumbled out.

    The dude was in my yard all night and I didn't know. He didn't make it past the bushes. I woke up and saw neighbors poking him so it was pretty awkward.

    I was worried the guy was dead. He's a friend of a friend of a friend so I never saw him again.

    He might have hit my volcano and not a bowl. The V hits pretty hard even with 0.15. I don't remember that night exactly except we were all cracking up how gone he was after 0.15.
  18. Sounds like you got a real heavy Sativa and smoked yourself retarded... Just enjoy it and remember its only marijuana, so grab sum munchies turn on some old ass cartoons set your ass down on the couch and enjoy...
  19. U should be grateful for the low tolerance! I love being new to smoking. I just smoked like .25 and i'm pretty baked.:smoking:
  20. I remember when I first started getting high. I would smoke like a small joint between me and a friend that barely started getting high too. Then one night we went and smoked with one of our friends cousins and she smoked all the time. We smoked 3 blunts of some dank between the 3 of us and we were FUCKED. Ever since then I've never been able to get that high again. So I guess what I'm saying is don't be afraid to smoke more, you won't regret it.

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