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I feel funny...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BenzoMike, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. #1 BenzoMike, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    Ok so I was wondering what do you guys feel like when your high, i dont really know what kind of weed im smoking all the time i just buy it and smoke it. but usually i just feel REALLY heavy and everything is just hilarious. like last night i was blazed and i laughed and then i laughed cause i was laughing then i laughed harder cause i didnt knwo why the fuck i was laughing. witch made me laugh more. but some times i smoke and i feel REAL HEAVY and i LOVE touching things other times i feel like im in anti gravity and that i can fly. shits crazy i think i get higher than anyone else..:rolleyes:



    not the best pics but yeah..
  2. Are you sure you're smoking weed?
  3. 100% it must be some really good shit my dealer gets me. it comes from amsterdam. so.. ill post a pic later of the stuff i smoked last night.
  4. I gotta see this shizzzzzzzzzzzzz.... waiting for the pic ;)

    P.S. Remember, it doesn't matter what strain it is, or where it comes from, as long as it's grown well with tender love & care ANY strain will be good,
  5. Ah i remember those mind blowing highs....
  6. Looks like some moldy chron, could be wrong though. Enjoy!
  7. ive smoked it already it didnt taste bad or anything it was good :) , it smells amazing and got me higher than any other bud ive smoked. i did the mold test were you rub it and the mold would break off nothing broke off :) so i thinks its good.

  8. Good then

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