I sometimes when I'm high I feel bad for smoking weed because its illegal.. I only feel like this when high..
Why? The only reason why it is illegal, is because our racist ass government wanted a way to further discriminate against minorities in the early 20th century.
Why is this in toking tools? And what's the point of this thread? If you can't handle the illegality of smoking weed then weed isn't for you. I wouldn't abide by every law as absolute, just look inside yourself and if you think smoking weed is bad, then don't do it... fuck what the law says Besides laws were just made by other people. Think about it at some point in time someone just said "weed is illegal" and that was that (obviously it didn't happen that simply but more or less that's what happened). If someone came up to me and said "NEVER DRINK WATER AGAIN!!!!" I'd say fuck you I'ma do me...
the law and morality often times have absolutely nothing to do with one another. It used to be legal to own people in this country ....nuff said ......
Sry guys for posting in toking tools.. I was fairly blitzed when I posted.. Although what I put is true. I do sometimes feel that way.
Well you shouldn't. Marijuana is 100% natural, grows in the fucking ground, and has NOTHING man-made in it. It was not made illegal based off of anything meaningful, scientific, or reasonable. Like someone said, it was originally done to spite the mexicans and african americans that smoked it. You shouldn't feel bad one bit. I feel good when I'm smoking, because I will happily break this shitty govt's laws in pursuit of my own happiness - especially when it involves putting something in my body, which affects no one else. Dont feel bad, there's nothing wrong with getting high. We've just been told the opposite forever.
when me and my friends smoke we say instead of trying to make it look bad on ourselves we try and make it look good. its not bad at all lol