i dunno :(

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by AmbientHigh, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. hey all,

    im a new grower and i have a quick two questions i hope that you can help me with

    what are these white spots on the top leaves of my plant should i be concerned?

    my second is about the leaves and the growth of my second plant the bottom leaves turned yellow and fell off but the top ones are green and healthy looking just kinda curled what should i do?

    thanks in advance for all your help

  2. post some picture up

    the white spots coullllldd be spider mites, get a magnifying glass and check Under the leaves and near the nodes for webbing ect... they are small so can be hard to spot with eyes alone. Second could be anything from normal to deficiency ect..

    post PH, rH, ppm, watering schedule, pics, temps ect.. ect..
  3. How old are they? And by bottom leaves, do you mean the round ones? Those are called cotyledons and it's totally normal for them to fall off once it gets old enough.

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