I dont understand

Discussion in 'General' started by GrimReeferPKA, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. The past couple of months i have turned into a different person when im high. i get very shy and quiet, basically the EXACT opposite of my personality. I used to love to smoke, but im starting to hate it, just because of my behavior. It feels like im stupidly baked, even when i had been smoking everyday for 6 months. i changed overnight... what the fuck is happening?
  2. Why are you shy and quiet? Are you paranoid? Self conscious? Or just for no reason? Why not take a break from the heard for a couple of weeks and figure out what you like about smoking perhaps?
  3. If it makes ya feel any better....

    Ive been smoking for 26 years now and I get quiet when I smoke too.

    Alot of times I have a hard time folowing a conversation with others and
    just keep my thoughts to myself. So I usually just have my own convo
    in my head. Its like social anxiety.:cool:
  4. Yea, i just like to talk to myself. Better conversation than most people can have i guess

  5. Smoking used to be the best, i was me, but could think and process faster. now im useless
  6. [quote name='"GrimReeferPKA"']The past couple of months i have turned into a different person when im high. i get very shy and quiet, basically the EXACT opposite of my personality. I used to love to smoke, but im starting to hate it, just because of my behavior. It feels like im stupidly baked, even when i had been smoking everyday for 6 months. i changed overnight... what the fuck is happening?[/quote]

    Dont smoke as much
  7. If you aren't comfortable smoking anymore, maybe it's time for a break? Or maybe it's time to stop altogether. The whole point of smoking weed is to feel good, after all.
  8. Yeah this started happening to me. It what we like to call "burning out". You literal smoke so much your just a shell. Weed is great to clear your mind but too much clearing is bad lol.
    I say stop for a week if you can at least. 3 is optimal

  9. It could depend on the stuff you're getting. Black resin leaves me very dormant. Almost asleep. I really dislike it. You could be getting something that is making you feel this way?

    Remind me of a funny thing, we got some stuff we called the racist pot because everyone who smoked it would come out with a racist comment. All of my friends (me living in England and not being White) are far from racist and when they realised they'd be mortified, but we just told them it's racist pot so we expected it. :D true? Probably not, but very funny coincidence.
  10. talking is overrated anyhow.
  11. i experienced the same thing... don't let it get to you
  12. dont worry bro, it happens to a lot of people. i used to always hang out with people and get high, but then i started getting really quiet. now i only smoke a couple hits by myself before bed. its great becuase i can make a gram last a week. plus id rather be sober with friends, even if they are high lol
  13. When I'm STONED, I either laugh at others or just chill and think a lot. But when I just have a regular high, it's kinda like I'm adding to my personality a little bit.

    Although I did go through some paranoia for a while. After I got it under control, it was ok for me.
  14. For me it's the opposite. When I'm sober and in a group of people I know but am not friends with and none of my friends are in the group I will be VERY shy. But if I'm in a group of people I don't know but some friends are with me I loosen up. When I'm high though my friends don't need to be with me, I just want to talk to everyone and be friends with them.
  15. When I'm blowd as fuck off an indica I usually don't talk but thats not from me being shy thats from my mind being blown hahah with sativa though I talk a lot.

    Idk if you're down, but try drinking a couple beers this weekend after you smoke. That should get rid of the shyness for the night, maybe longer if you have fun..
  16. it's liek i say "high time, MY time" i dont smoke to stay grounded here on earth talking to people, i smoke to get away or "escape" and the more u talk to people the more grounded u stay cuz rather than letn ur mind wander off in a daze, ur keeping it focused on certain things which distracts from the "escape", while ur still high, ur still paying attention to whats here on earth or "grounded".

    get it? have i been repetitive enough for u to understand?
  17. Smoke weed by yourself if its not working in groups for you anymore

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