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I don't understand something.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Chronik-Judge, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. You guys know how there has been all these threads about things like "Did weed change your opinion of god", or "How has weed changed you"? And everyone gives these answers but I can never really answer because I have been smoking weed since I was like 13 and everyone changes at that age. So how do I know what was me and what was the weed. I assume there's alot of you who have been burning for so long and can't really see weeds effect on you, because it is part of you?

    Am I stoned rambling or is this making sense to you guys?
  2. I think it made sense..
  3. alright for real you are definitely right. At the time of puberty everyone is changing, but to be honest you as a kid even before puberty is the TRUE you. You are going through social shit is basically what puberty is. Marijuana fucks with your mind and sometiems aids it through the process. It almost feels as though Marijuana is aging you quicker, but the problem is that Marijuana does affect the way you think. You lived your teenage lives but it would hav been different if you didnt smoke. You will never know, but lets just hope it was for the best.

    Any stoner attitude; rambling, memory loss, philosophical bullshitting, laziness etc is NOT you. So get it through your fucking head that it is not a part of you.
  4. I feel ya there Ive been smokin since the 8th grade and dont feel like it changed me much. Im alot more chill but hey its not like thats an insane change for me. But yeah I catch ur drift dude :smoking:
  5. It made sense. I just need to smoke before I ramble off a deep thought in response.
  6. screw this shit... marijuana is a plant yes... but it is also a drug. This drug like others makes you believe that it's good for you. You cannot justify marijuana and honestly you cannot prove that it has done good for you.

    If you gotta smoke pot to be you... then you're retarded because you are you when you are sober. Don't pretend that it has become a part of who you are.

  7. Every single choice we make changes us one way or another. Personally I am leery of the whole 'religious' mentality some people have about cannabis though. It's just a plant.
  8. unless you're rastafarian =P

  9. You knew what I meant :rolleyes:

    I was talking about the kids who act like pot is their religion, without any real spirituality. They act like it gives them such great insights and like it's some kind of god to worship. You know the type I mean :)
  10. course, but hey we all went through that phase... But personally I stayed strong to Christianity.:smoking: I think people need prioritize correctly... but to be honest noob smokers take it too overwhelming and don't see anything coming.
  11. I think we all know. And i deffinitly know what the OP is saying I started around that age. I feel like weed is a part of my life in a big way but not in a bad big way. I love to smoke but i can stand not to and i don't go overboard. I smoke tobacco and its being a bitch to quit.
  12. A lot depends on how much you smoked, and how much of a part it really had in your life. Think about it. Did you only hang out with people that smoked, did you ever not do something cause you'd rather just smoke, shit like that. We can't really answer this, you just have to evaluate how much you think the weed affected imported aspects of your life. But yeah, I don't think smoking really affects people's beliefs as much as they think it does. Yeah you get high, you might forget things more often, you might only hang out with potheads. But are you a different person because you get high? I don't think its the high that changes you, unless you just got high and didn't do something important. Instead, look at how the act of smoking as a social activity changed you because of friends, conversations, experiences, etc.

  13. Chill out maybe? Damn.
  14. Medical Marijuana
    Medical Use - NORML
  15. We're all just products of the different things that have happened in our lives, if you've been smoking ganja for a while it eventually creates a place in your life and an impact on your personality. I find it difficult to see how i've changed sometimes but people i know say i have, i think that it's for the better and not necessarily all b/c of weed but the change occurred none the less.
  16. Except.....bud has been proven to be good for you.....soooooo yeaaaahhhhh.....

    Without bud I would have never graduated from high school (honestly.ADAD bud cured that), I would have never met the awesome friends I have now, I would have never met my girlfriend...who I met THROUGH my dealer lol, I would have never decided to go to school for journalism, I would have gotten into alot more trouble when I was younger...but I was too high, I would still be an insomiac, and the list goes on.....

    I win.
  17. smokin' pot was like finding something good that was shunned
  18. It was all you. Although psychoactive, MJ cant control your mind. Her effects are subtle, and rarely negative. They just get a bad rap when ***holes make bad decisions. She did'nt make you steal that car, she just gave you the courage.
    I think of MJ as a Personality Booster. just depends which side of the scale your on really.

    I mean, to be honest, I have met VERY FEW stoners that I found intolerable. If MJ "caused" someone to do something illegal/immoral, then they probably shouldnt have been smoking in the first place. Just cause you can smoke, doesn't mean you should.

  19. Beacuse I am high basically from when I wake up till I sleep I would have to disagree.

    Marijuanna is such a big part of my life I feel as if I am not me when I am waiting on a shipment to come in. I smoke it medically yes, but even if I never got sick I'd still be tokeing j's. Pot has not changed my outlook greatly on life but I do feel really weird when I am not high.
  20. [​IMG]

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