I don't understand how I get caught?

Discussion in 'General' started by RenegadeHaze, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Soooo before I even start, I will state some points. Yes, I am 18. Yes, I do live at home with my family. No, they do not condone smoking. If you're gonna comment saying "if you have to hide it, don't smoke", just please don't even bother replying on this. You saying that is not gonna stop me from smoking. I need serious help with this problem.

    Now! I share a car with my mom, and every night I've been picking up weed, rolling in the car, parking, and smoking just outside the car (windows rolled up and everything), and then going in the car, spraying myself and the car a little, rolling down the windows, and driving around for about 15-20 minutes to air out before I go home. However, two days in a row my mom smelled smoke in the car, but she just assumed it was cigarettes and wasn't as mad. Btw, I got out of that too by blaming the smell on my friend who smokes cigarettes. ANYWAYS, I've been stealthily smoking for months now and I've never even came close to getting caught, but I don't understand why/how she can smell the smoke? What am I doing wrong? Should I air out for longer?

    Any help is appreciated, please please no troll replies.

    I'm planning on taking the car out for a smoke again tomorrow but I wanna tackle the problem so it doesn't happen again. Thanks, and happy toking :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  2. Uninformed parents will be uninformed parents. Theres probably no way she can smell the smoke if you air'd out the car for 15-20 minutes with the windows down. Unless your smoking the creme da le creme'. If a lit cigarette can take the smell of pot away, i think your alright.
  3. its hard for someone to know its weed if they havent smoked before so you can just say its a spray you have or something like that.
  4. Can you smoke somewhere besides her car?
  5. get your own car smoke up laddy
  6. For some reason to her the weed smells like cigarattes. I really do not know why. Probably 'cuz she's never smoked/smelled weed before. But she insists it's cigarettes, nothing else

  7. Not until I got my own car which won't be for a while :eek:
  8. There is a lot of deodorizing sprays on the market that supposedly work well, I don't know the names cause I don't use them though :smoking:
  9. Does anyone use Ozium? Apparently it's really good for this? Does it leave any sort of smell after it's used?
  10. thats the one they always mention

  11. thanks man :smoke:
  12. #12 Demiurge, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    I was just in the same situation as you a few months ago. My rents didn't mind too much that I smoked but they didn't like me smoking in the car because there's more a chance of getting caught etc etc. So last summer until I moved I just stopped smoking bud in the car. Try and find other places. My bestfriends mom was totally cool about us smoking in his room and their closed in padio room so we mostly smoked there. And we had a couple cool spots outside we'd toke at. Trying and see if you can smoke at a friends and find outdoor spots like parks and trails etc.

    If you need to smoke in the car don't smoke blunts. Don't hotbox if you have cloth interior. And only do it when you have a few hours time. I usually would have the car on my days off and just had to pick up my dad from work late so I usually have 8+ hours to worry about tthe smell
  13. I think I have killed some brain cells from Ozium. It works really good, but only spray a little once you are getting out of the car.

    Spraying that shit while you are still in the car with the windows rolled up feels like a gas grenade just went off.
  14. the smoke's still on your clothes and the smell's coming outta your smoke hole.
    smoke, change clothes, brush teeth, mouthwash, she wont smell a thing
  15. I dont see your problem....if she thinks its cigs...just tell her its cigs.. unless your not 18...
  16. 1)Find a better smoking spot.
    2)Don't be stupid.
  17. Smoke odors get trapped in your clothes and hair. That being said, find a better place to smoke. I prefer wooded areas, kinda gives you some natural cover.
  18. Yeah I just get outside but I think she's bullshitting you, unless one of the windows is open I don't see how she can smell anything.
  19. here's an idea. go smoke in the woods or somewhere that isn't the car if you're worried about it smelling.
  20. Is there a reason you have to smoke in the car? Is there any woods or just a neighborhood you can walk around instead of driving around.

    And what are you smoking? Joints and blunts tend to have a more distinct smell that lingers longer. As far as the Ozium I have never used it but have only heard good things. I think its used in hospitals or something like that

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