I dont think we're alone

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by OweKnowsBest_4.23, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. there is no way we are alone in the universe.
    What if there is life on other planets?
    Would you shit yourself or be cool with um.
    Im :smoke: on some alright weed and some purple pancakes and syrup and i just started thinking about this shit.
    (^its a dope ass pipe^)
  2. When you consider how massive the universe is, and how long it has existed relative to life on Earth, the odds are pretty damn good that we aren't alone. I just look forward to the day when we can finally prove life exists elsewhere in the universe.
  3. Why not look for God instead of magical creatures that live lightyears away?
  4. I don't know if you're serious or if you're trolling, but in any case I fail to see how the existence of God could possibly be any more likely than that of extraterrestrial life.

  5. you're the one that brought magic into this. ;)
  6. #6 grape tomato, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    If there is a god its a scientist of an interesting species in another universe that happens to be a really good mathematician. Were getting close enough to be able to do that in our universe.

    We have already mathematically created space, now we just need a better mathematical concept of time to work off of and we'll have mathematical space-time. Throw in a some sub-atomic physics and apply that algorithm large scale and your bound to have life living in your algorithm.
  7. I think I am in fact the only real biological organism in the universe. Everybody else are just robots.

  8. no dude mr crabs was gonna give those batteries to pearl.(i wonder how she would use them:devious:)
  9. Their is almost definitely life on other planets. Sadly, the narcissistic power hungry morons running this country would pursue a path of warfare rather than peace.
    Dont give a fuck how powerful america thinks it is we would get FUCKED on lmao

  10. im with you there. if we approach with peace we can trade goods and information. warfare...slavery.(and they wont be the ones picking moon cotton)
  11. There is a good chance that there are other species out there.
  12. if they visit i would first shit my pants and after a shower i would smoke um up so they would smoke me up on some of that space kush :bongin:
  13. I think it'd be actually impossible or very improbable for there to not be other life in the universe
  14. [quote name='"Easy Going"']Why not look for God instead of magical creatures that live lightyears away?[/quote]

    One problem with that.. God isn't real

  15. yeah. he can believe in god but not the possibility of other life in all of space:rolleyes:
  16. #16 Gr33nD420, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    [quote name='"GanjaRastamanBo"']

    yeah. he can believe in god but not the possibility of other life in all of space:rolleyes:[/quote]

    Well he is a Jehovas Witness :rolleyes:

  17. :eek::eek::eek:

  18. Well to be fair, what single shred of evidence is there in favor of the existence of aliens in comparison to god?
  19. The fact that life exists on earth. The same elements are present throughout the universe. So if it happened here, and with the universe being as old and as massive as it is, the odds are pretty good life exists elsewhere.
  20. The fact that life exists on Earth is evidence there's life on other planets how? You know, I thought it would be more along the lines that we've evidence of life on other planets or something..

    I could understand if you're showing us that life can arise from chemical soups but I think that demonstration is quite out of our hands atm.

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