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I don't normally brag about my pickups...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by BongBeforeBeer, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. but WHOAH

    I was feeling very keen to smoke last night but the best my dealer could get me was a $25 bag of mids which I appreciated cause he had to take it out his own stash and did it as a favour cause he's a mate, but later that night we ended up seeing another dealer and I picked up a half O of some FIRE for $160

    here's the biggest bud of the bunch closeup


    photo does it no justice, this was holding in the sunlight it was frostier than it looks here plus alittle whiter all around

    here's some of the buds compared to the original $25 bag hahaha


    I asked my dealer if this stuff had a name, he said it was called "Hog". Alittle googling later and I found it's a legit strain of strong indica. Even if this stuff wasn't hog, god damn it was chronic shit! Hands down the best bud I have ever smoked. The buds had a very strong scent, I'm not sure if you are all familiar with how eucalyptus smells but that's how the bud smelled.

    that is all :smoke:
  2. nice

    cool that your bud hooked ypu up with that $25 bag

    but them other nugs look very tasty
  3. absolutely! when he handed it to me he said "only cause it's you" he's a top bloke. He usually has pretty dank buds but this other stuff was on a whole new level!
  4. Very nice pick up

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