I dont like being 19

Discussion in 'General' started by xericx, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. Since i turned 19 on Sturday, iv been watsed. I cant say no to my friends who offer to get me drunk.

    What do I do, I know that eventually the novelty of being legal will ware off. I feel like shit but I keep drinking cause its free.

  2. damn you canadians and your lower drinking age.........no but seriously just drink as much free stuff you can now cause it wont last forever;)
  3. I've been struggling with Alchoholism since I was 15. My best buddy of 2 years ust left for rehab for 3 months for AA. Fuck I'm depreseed that my 3 best friends cant even talk to eachother becaue of the arson charges. Might as well keep drinking this untill I pass out.

  4. if you really have a problem then you should consider getting help.......other then that drink up, smoke one and try not to think about all the bullshit in this world
  5. Yeah I had two uncles that were alcoholics (family by marriage oddly enough) and it ruined both of there lives so if your serious about a potential alcohol problem definetely seek out some help.

    Damn I wish I could have been legally drinking at age 19 though

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