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I don't know what to do anymore...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mal11, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Their house, their rules.

    Move out and stop complaining( I didn't read the wall of text but I assume it's "wahhh mommy and daddy dont want me smoking and having illegal drugs int heir home wahhh")

  2. If you didn't read the post, the WTF are you responding? GTFO

    to the OP: I know you mentioned you are having trouble finding something that takes your "depression" away like ganja does. For me when i have to quit for whatever reasons (school, job, parents whatever) i go straight to the gym. Working out gives you a different kind of high that just makes you feel good about yourself (endorphins) Try hitting the gym. The last thing you want to do is try to sneak some weed into your moms house and she follows through on her threat to call the police. That is some shit you don't need to get yourself into. Just my .02
  3. Your mom sounds like a cunt.

    Why not just move in with your Dad dude?

  4. Copied from the OP's original post, if you read the whole thing you might already know.

    "I can't go out and live with my dad because I have too much that I have started out here with school and everything that I cannot just let go to start a new life. I would be more difficult to do it that it wouldn't be an option."
  5. You're no help...GTFO
  6. Thanks for reading bro. Means alot:D
  7. I have too much with school on my hands and I have no car at the moment to get to the gym if I wanted. the closest gym is about 10 miles away...:( I did swim for a while, but with getting home late after practice with little time to do homework caused more stress and "depression" (if you wanna call it) when my grades dropped quite a bit.

  8. No offense when I say this but it sounds like a bunch of excuses to not do anything? I mean i'm sure your school has a gym that you could get 30 mins in before headed home, or maybe go running after you get home. I don't really buy into the whole school is to much because I am a college student right now playing soccer for the school, and am in 2 business clubs here. Chronic lazyness can cause depression. Sounds like you need a change in lifestyle, not drugs. Seriously think about it.
  9. this shit is stupid.

    granted i can UNDERSTAND they want the best for you...thats what everyone's parents want for their children.


    there IS a line...lets put this into perspective...hes smoking weed. marijuana...not shooting heroin, smoking crack, snorting coke, doing meth, taking x...hes smoking mj the safest, most harmless, least addictive "drug" known to man.

    he can easily smoke weed and still achieve everything he sets out to do.

    i smoked and got a 3.7gpa in school...yea...potheads....maybe if i didnt smoke i could have got a 4.0...psh...fuck that.

    if you use it responsibly then i dont see why its so bad...

    its just that uneducated view on mj that older people generally have...that its "dope" and itll "ruin your life" and you'll be a "homeless drug addict stealing for your next fix" etc.

    or "itll kill you! do you wanna die!" etc etc.

    i wouldnt worry. in my opinion you keep smoking it if you WANT TO (its your life kid) and just dont advertise it...keep it very d/l...

    you can do this by buying mj and making firecrackers or some type of edible with it so you can just eat a brownie or whatnot and be high without smelling like it or having a stash to be found...etc. no smoking tools needed (ie. no pipe or papers to be found)

    its a good idea to go that route in my opinion. or just smoke away from home.
  10. About relieving the depression, like others have said physical exercise is the best thing. I personally just go running for however long I need to to stop feeling like shit. If I'm ever really pissed at my parents or anything I go run and it's impossible to stay mad for more than a few miles, no matter how much I feel I should be mad. I normally go for long ass juggernaut runs and after running 7 or 8 or more miles you can get an amazing sedated feeling where you are just totally blissed out and can't make yourself give a fuck about anything. I know running isn't for everyone but there is some form of exercise that'll do it for you.

    I actually have clinical depression but refuse to take anti-depressants and running is one of the few things that keeps me going and helps me to maintain a positive outlook. If I stop for a week I lose all my energy and motivation and life just sucks. That and playing music. I play saxophone, guitar, and bassoon and playing those always seems to cheer me up and a lot of times it's the only thing I can bring myself to care about.

    You're lucky you have your dad and you should really thank him for helping you out one day. My mom's reaction was almost as bad as your mom's and while my dad certainly wasn't cool with me smoking and never did it himself he did manage to convince my mom that military school/rehab/counseling was totally overreacting. I had a buddy who wasn't so lucky and got sent to out of state rehab for several months, so just be glad you're not him.

    My whole situation was very similar and the best thing you can do is just give it some time to cool down before you try any discussing. People, especially women, are almost impossible to reason with when they are really emotional, and your mom may be pissed now but no one can stay pissed forever. Wait a month or so then maybe ask her to watch The Union and really ask her to try to see things from your perspective and not to be judgmental. That was my mom's problem, always judging right away and never really listening if what I said disagreed with her and it really hurt me. I didn't feel comfortable talking to her about anything and it got to a point where I couldn't stand it and explained it all to her in a tearful fit and she saw how wrongly she had been going about things and from then on it was much better.

    Good luck man.
  11. PHP:

    We have all been there. For me, it finally took a violent threat to make my mom take me seriously. Sometimes you just gotta say "I am done fucking around, shutup or pay for your words." They still fuck with you, but not to the absurd level that they used to. It's not like you should actually intend on attacking your parent, you just need to be alpha and show her you are not some twelve year old anymore.
  12. i was in a similar situation as yu not too long ago. i decided to sit down with my mom to watched the union. she still dosnt like me smoking but but her views about ganja have changed alot. its worth a shot bro
  13. I actually asked her recently if she would be willing to watch a video and she kept asking what the video was about. I told her marijuana and she just outright says NO. And eventually a big fight broke out, but that doesn't matter.
  14. on to your left you will see the great wall of text
  15. I have done thing quite a lot about standing up for myself and she just doesnt get it. She has an extreme power problem and she doesnt know how to use it. Like a kid with a gun that points and shoots and kills everyone around him. She is very ignorant about everything and she will never hear me out. She hasn't talked to me since and I'm not complaining, but its not getting me anywhere trying to convince her...
  16. Do what you want. Your mom is doing what she thinks is best for you and that will never change. Showing your mom a video or two might do something but probably wont, Id be suprised if she even sat down to watch one start to finish.

    No one on here knows the situation like you do, no one knows how crazy your mom is or what she might do or w/e so you need to evaluate the situation and decide for yourself whats the best course of action. Tbh I would be on the first car ride over to my dads, moving isn't a problem, and think about all the weed your going to be able to smoke :D
  17. I know! But in reality, I have too much that I started out here that I gotta finish. I can't just pack my bags and leave, its not that simple. I have a lot of things here (other than my mom) that I should take care of and this is why I'm in a bad situation...:(

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