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I don't know how to smoke properly and I'm fucking up my lungs [help]

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by keleptic, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. I only recently started smoking weed after never having done it before (nor cigs). I bought a small, cheap glass pipe to smoke out of. The last 2 times I smoked out of it I guess I took way too big of hits because I started choking and couldn't breathe. Now 3 days later I'm still having a hard time taking deep breathes without coughing. I think I just got too much smoke in my lungs.

    I'm completely new to this so I don't really understand how to smoke properly. Would I be better off rolling joints to start with if that's easier? And how do I take normal sized hits without coughing or choking? Any help, videos, or guides would be much appreciated.
  2. That long of symptoms isn't normal...
  3. Does the pipe have a carb? If so you should be using that to control smoke intake. If it has no carb and is a straight shot, just corner the bowl and take light long inhales, like you're sucking a drink up a straw. You don't want big gulps, you want little sips. Lightly inhale smoke, take a deep breath for 3 seconds to make sure it's all in the lungs, then slowly exhale out. Water helps (both drinking and bong water) so look into both of those.

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  4. Dude just pack a snap ( tiny bit if weed) into your pipe, inhale until it stops burning. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds then exhale. Don't take large hits until your lungs adjust, take the hits lightly like a normal breath . Yes your symptoms are normal if you have damaged your throat or lungs I would give it a good 2-3days and if your still concerned talk to your doctor. (It's nothing to be overly worried about)

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  5. Hey man. Take slow shallow hits. When hitting the pipe keep your mouth around it open a little so you are still getting fresh air along with the smoke. Take a day or so break from toking. Drink lots of ice water and also have ice water while you smoke. Coughing is normal its all part of the smoking experience.
  6. You can either do what all these other peeps said or you can get a 1 hitter and start with that. Your rolling skills are most likely crap right now so I wouldn't start with joints just yet. Make sure to keep some water near by and just take it slowly it isn't a race to get high bro.

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