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I dont get turned on while high...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Green_Pixie, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. My sincere apologies for TMI, but want to know if anyone else experiences this. So, I've been smoking for years off and on and all my friends/people I've dated get soo turned on while smoking. And I gotta say, I am so envious of this. I love smoking, love watching silly TV, and eating munchies, like any smoker does. But I don't get "horny" while high. While having intercourse, my mind races so bad about random things that sex just becomes not pleasurable for me. I would just like to know if anyone else has experienced this and maybe there is a way to overcome it.(?)

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  2. That was awesome, tell it again!
  3. You suffer from only person on the planet that doesn't get horny whilst high have 69days to live :)
  4. Racing mind suggests you're smoking something which leans sativa, try a indica or a cross with a stronger indica component to it and see if that helps.
  5. You have to be in a sexually stimulating scenerio for starters,
    you can't just blaze a bowl alone and automatically be king horny.
    that would be most displeasing for all. You must be with the person
    you wanna 'fuck' and once your 'random' thoughts turn into 'god damn
    he / she is fine,' you'll understand how horny it will make you.
  6. try a different woman
  7. :laughing:

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  8. Maybe you're into dudes?
  9. Haha! Thanks for that! You made me feel so much better. Lol! 😋

  10. I'm a straight female

  11. #11 NGP, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    Fixed. We need some more details about you not getting turned on when having sex. It's for science, and to keep this thread alive frankly.. :smoke:
  12. Can't relate since you're female but I've noticed that I last too long when I'm super baked. Years back with my ex when I was more of an 'apprentice stoner', I was so high while fingering her, that I got confused whether I was at the right hole. 
  13. People react differently to different strains.
    A strain that helps one person with anxiety could increase anxiety in another person.
    You just need to find the right strain for your brain.
  14. It's like, when I am kissing, and playing around, everything is fine. But as soon as I proceed into intercourse my mind thinks of 9 million different things at once. This may be too open, but I love sex, I love feeling sexy, powerful, and in control for that moment, but mixing weed with it, and I forget my partner is even there because my mind is racing with all sorts of things. I know that indica is a better option to shoot for, but I love Sativa I feel like it's a stronger high. My boyfriend and I have so much fun smoking and being silly, but this just sucks. I love weed and sex. I want to have my sex and smoke my weed too. Lol! I'm also ADHD. Which for people like us, stimulants can calm us, and week can make us more awake. I definitely can feel way more awake high. It's very interesting.

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  15. [quote name="Green_Pixie" post="21015410" timestamp="1417642176"]It's like, when I am kissing, and playing around, everything is fine. But as soon as I proceed into intercourse my mind thinks of 9 million different things at once. This may be too open, but I love sex, I love feeling sexy, powerful, and in control for that moment, but mixing weed with it, and I forget my partner is even there because my mind is racing with all sorts of things. I know that indica is a better option to shoot for, but I love Sativa I feel like it's a stronger high. My boyfriend and I have so much fun smoking and being silly, but this just sucks. I love weed and sex. I want to have my sex and smoke my weed too. Lol! I'm also ADHD. Which for people like us, stimulants can calm us, and weed can make us more awake. I definitely can feel way more awake high. It's very interesting.
  16. #16 Nerd139, Dec 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2014
    I am here to dispute this claim. I get horny as soon as I get high. I need funny disrractions to not get horny.

    OP is lucky she does not have to live with my curse. There is nothing than worse than chilling with your friends and being horny as all hell and your stuck hanging out with them.

    You dont want this OP. Run away, be free.
  17. My recommendation is to make sure you want to have sex before you smoke. Like literally smoke RIGHT before you wanna bang. That way you may be more focused on the sex.
    The fact that you have ADHD and your mind is "racing" while your having sex while high makes me think that weed is just making your ADHD worse. Remember, because you have ADHD Sativa's and Indica's may work opposite for you. So you may in fact need a Sativa to have a Indica-ish effect on your head.

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  19. You guys have been very helpful, thank you. I especially liked what @Thefinisher said. I never thought about Sativa and Indica having opposite effects. 😎👍

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  20. Not the only one miss! I just dont enjoy sex while high either, I guess I dont get horny as well. To me its more of a...."im stoned as fuck, not tryna do all this movement right now". Its like sex is INTENSE and being high is INTENSE as well, so Im just tryna chill. Not tryna be the intensity king in this bish. My wife straight up says "oh youre high we cant have sex" to me and im just like yup.......So you should take a fat dab and hangout with me  :bongin:

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