i decided to stop smoking pot

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by danknuggery, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. #1 danknuggery, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2009
    i decided this week to stop smoking pot. its been about three weeks since i last smoked and im coming to some painful realizations about the state my life is in.

    im a senior in high school and ive smoked weed for the last year and a half. i started when i was 17, and im now 18. Ive had problems with depression, and anxiety for about the last two years and insomnia for as long as i can remember. lately my depressions has been really terrible and i feel lonely all the time. i was basically smoking by myself just so i wouldnt have to think about how terrible i felt.

    i have a good life, and i know that how i was using weed was only making it worse. ive always been shy and smoking weed/the whole counter-coulter surrounding it was something i felt very comfortable with, but unfortunately it isnt exactly something i can be very public about, because i have great grades and dont want to risk any legal troubles.

    i went to see a councilor today and hopefully this will help me deal with some of my depression, but who knows. i may start eventually taking anti depression medication, but i hope to avoid this.

    i doubt any of you care about this because you all like toking, and i hope you enjoy it, but if anyone is in the same position as me, go see a therapist. i felt akward at first but i realized that she was only there to help me and opening up to her felt really good. i feel better now than i have in months and i hope i can eventually gain back some of my confidence and self esteem.

    if your happy with your life, go enjoy a bowl for me. i still like pot, and hope one day my life can be stable enough to where i can enjoy it again without worrying.

    and if youre gonna hate on me, fuck off. i know i dont live in the ghetto, and nobodys gonna die because im depressed, but it still sucks and feeling like your life is passing you by, and its something noone should have to deal with.

    thanks if you bothered to read this. i just feel good getting this stuff off my chest, even if its to a bunch of stoners on the internet. :)
  2. personally just try to find some friends who smoke. start buy hanging out with only 1 person at a time so they have no way to ignore you for someone who is more interesting. (sorry but i have seen it happen) offer him to smoke a bowl with you and then he will have to smoke you back up. and you will take turns smoking eachother out and you can then add people into the group. these kids will try hard to be friends with you because they will respect the first 2 friends and wish to have a relationship that close with a friend. so they will look up to you and feel like a pimp.
  3. #3 wraughbit, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2009
    damn bro that's harsh. I can honestly say I relate with 90% of the things you mentioned. If I didn't live in a place that it was so widely accepted I probably would feel the same way you do right now.
    I've been smoking for two more years than you and I'm still learning how to control my anxiety and smoking. I don't have the grades you do, so I've got a couple more years to fuck around. I gotta go to this community college for a year or two before I can go to a good university(I fucking suck at spanish and am lazy).

    and yea dogoncouch is right on. I just moved for my senior year in high school this year so smoking weed by myself is usually my basic weekend. I mean I hang out with people and party late night, but during the day I'm by myself 90% of the time. I didn't realize everyone here goes out of town with their friends for spring break though. I came from a town where not everyone had the money to do that. I just wish I had made a few closer friends earlier in the year so I could get to know everything about the school. Like where I came from every one parties late night and sneaks out and stays out all night. Apparently kids here just start partying earlier(after dinner) and then go home later like midnite or 1.
  4. its ight man
  5. sorry about that ^^^ smoking some "grapefruit kush"
  6. I gotta show some respect for self control for where it's due, and im doing that now man.
  7. #7 brokensteel, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2009
    I feel ya, man. I live in a place where marijuana smokers are generally frowned upon and believed to be "scum". I used to have a small group of friends that smoked, but they've either quit smoking or I've quit associating with them.

    Because I still smoke, and people are aware that I'm a stoner, it's hard finding new friends. People seem to take what I say as bullshit. The kids I went to school with hardly have anything to do with me because I smoke daily. Meanwhile, they eat pills, but I'm still not cool because I use "illegal" drugs.

    Fuck man, I remember how much shit people gave me when they learned I used X and acid once each.

    Stay strong man, hope you get things straightened out.
  8. Don't let nobody hate on you for making that choice I have nothing but respect for the several people I know who have quit smoking when it became a problem for them and if it ever gets to that point with me then I'll quit too.

  9. weed ain't for all people in all situations, do what you gotta do. come back to it when you're ready :)
  10. its all good dude, weed isnt the problem man. GROW WEED. :smoking:
  11. Well, I can't relate to most of what u said but, I bet it sucks. For u I will smoke a bowl.
  12. well good luck dude, i hope you start to feel better.
  13. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. And half of your blabbering didn't make sense.

    Whatever you wrote fuck off at the end of your blabbering I still can't understand. What to tell you, I'm sorry that marijuana helped you realize what a depressed human being you are.
  14. Hi,

    That' s great! I feel one must take some time off, go watch a movie together, or have lunch. Treat yourself occasionally. Also, drink lots of water, it's good for you, and will flush out the toxins in your system. Keep away from things that trigger your desire to smoke.
  15. Really? Because i could read his post fine. Reading comprehension?

    Anyway, I'm sorry that smoking weed made you feel worse, weed always picks me up when i'm feeling depressed. I'm not chronically depressed though, like you mentioned you were.

    Just go with what you feel is best brotha, if weed is making you feel crappy, stop using it, it'll still be there when you feel better about your life:)
  16. I think that's mature of you to come to the realization that it just isn't working for you at this time in your life. Cannabis can be a wonderful thing, but I can see how people can abuse it. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy it again when you're more stable. :) Best of luck.
  17. I know what you mean man. i was searching for a thread like this and if I couldn't find one i was goin to make one but anyway...I'M basically a fuck up in life. I've been smoking for two and half years now and i finally quit just recently. the problem i had is that i would think too deep about my life and just become really depressed. I know i have problems. I've been depressed for a lot of my life and im shy, i don't know how to talk to people i don't already know, i have severe anxiety, and some other shit too. i live in a shitty house with my mom, my grandma and grandpa. my mom constantly hands out money to me and is always doing things for me like fixing my car and truck even though I've sat down and talked with her and told her i don't feel right about it. I'm not an asshole, i respect her and am thankful for all she has done. i try to do a lot around the house because something always needs to be fixed or replaced. i dropped out of school when i was 15 or 16 when my uncle overdosed and that's fucked with me pretty bad. he was my best friend. I've tried to get a job but the anxiety has been so bad that i freak out and have a mental breakdown. its a vicious circle. I'm sick of the way my life is going. suicide isn't an option because i know how bad it would hurt my family. I just feel like "the bad egg" or whatever you want to call it. i don't really do anything each day except sit at home and sometimes hangout with my friends. If you actually took the time to read this and could understand my babbling then thank you. i don't know what to do with myself. I'm useless.
  18. I know exactly what you're talking about. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety problems for about 8 years now, and I've been smoking for the last 4. I started, and used most of the time, to relieve my depression. And it worked for the longest time. But just recently I've started noticing that I can smoke just a little and feel pretty good, actually motivated and not depressed. But if I keep smoking during the night, and smoke a few bowls like I usually do, I start to get more negative with each bowl. It's gotten to the point where I feared earlier today that if I was going to act on my suicidal impulses I've been having, it would be while I was stoned. So I too have decided to quit. In the next month, if I can manage enough self-control, I will probably only smoke 5 or 6 more times, and then I'm done.
  19. that sucks you should smoke with friends maybe but if weed isnt helping you now yeah you should stop.
    but idk hopefully you can get over it...just let everything out thats making you feel that way and confront it.
    its the only way
  20. just keep lookin' up at the ganja gods, cant go wrong, ever

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