I decided I'm dropping out

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by bringindafunk, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Not really on a whim but on a reality check in which I realized I…. am not happy. I realize this means I need to withdraw from classes and that I won't be allowed to stay in the dorms anymore. Gotta pack up my stuff… and say goodbyes. However I don't think I'll have too many goodbyes to make :\

    --- Note--- this is long and I appreciate everyone who reads this through! (SHORT VERSION AT THE BOTTOM ) I'm a 22 year old female by the way.

    Now that I've stopped pretending to be happy, it's the happiest I've been in a long…. long time. The hugest weight is off my shoulders and my heart is almost racing I can't wait to just go home.

    I think I'll just get a job working where my mom works - Full time! while I study my personal training stuff to take the exam. Then get some personal training in on the side. If I don't get a job there I know of a lot more opportunities than here. And…just …. family. I love my family and right now - things are all rocky and chaotic. I need to be home for them. Last time things like this at home happened I cut off my hair and donated it to Locks of Love because my Aunt had cancer. Now I feel like I need to be there for everyone while she and other family members are trying to survive.

    I have a lot… of shit to deal with though before I leave. All my stuff from my house (lived in a house for 2 years before moving back to the dorms this year) is in storage at my ex's. We have been recently hooking up. Well really the last time was before break in 2010 (feels weird to say that). We did cuddle and kiss a bit once I believe since being back. I juuuuuuust don't know what to do with all my stuff that is there. Psh. She isn't using it it's collecting dust. I might lend it to friends in need while I go home and settle things and come back to sort it out/sell it off.

    I have to go and withdraw from classes this week but I'm putting it off because as soon as I do I need to hand in my keys and leave the dorms. I'm not ready! I have too much shit. Sorry I needed a place to vent I don't really have anyone here to talk to. :( My friends are in classes/at work or don't understand.

    ----SHORT VERSION---- Family stuff going on back home. Piled on with being unhappy at school. Have tons of stuff in storage at an ex's and need to sort through it as well as pack up my dorm and withdraw from classes here. :( 22 year old female having a midlife crisissssss or.. .realizing I'm not trapped and I can choose my destiny.
  2. so your a a lesbian? :cool:

    what your going through is hard. Realizing that what your studying for was all a waste of time is disappointing, putting in all that effort for nothing :(

    But keep your head up, find a good job and nice apartment.

    And if you have little money, dont speed it on MJ at all nor take loans from friends/family; thats how people disconnect from each other, over money.

    good luck homie
  3. I dropped out of high school for a similar reason, health related but anyway. Dropping out of college probably isn't nearly as bad as high school, but don't let people rag on you for it. Do what makes you happy, not what everybody else wants you to do.

    Plus, working is better than going through school, paying a large amount of money to learn things you can learn at home via books, then likely not even getting a job in the field you want.

  4. Yes haha lesbian. Way to make that the first statement :p

    Well I do want to finish my degree but just do it when I get home- in the fall I think.

    I'll be able to stay at home with my folks - they're actually excited they just want me to be happy and I'll be bringing buds with me for us/have funds saved up already from my job when I worked last few years. I also have connections to jobs already so I'll probably be ok.

    Thanks :)
  5. I'm an advocate for taking a year or so off from college. I feel like we're kind of rushed into it, not knowing what we're going to do for a life.
  6. Handle your business, family is the most important thing anyone has. Blood is blood, school can be picked up at a later time.

    Wish you the best of luck
  7. It can be great to take some time off of school, I hope it works out for you.
  8. Thanks blades!

    I just got back from smoking some Memphis Belle and Tahoe OG Kush. Mellowed me out some.

    Now talking to my best friend here and its super hard :(
  9. I was also wondering if she was a lesbian, as I am a lesbian. :D Not that I can relate to the story anymore now than before.

  10. hahah lesbian. check! :wave:
  11. I'm a lesbian too you know.
  12. If you feel like it's the next step in your life, do it. I dropped out of high school, and was able to finish up my courses online, graduating a few months before everyone else. Needless to say, it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Can't be sure on how it changes in college, but don't be put off by what other people expect you to be.
  13. Um hmm. Ya, you forgot to comment on the lesbian thing.
  14. hahahah. why does that matter! i was just telling you guys my story. :bongin:

    thanks for the support everyone!
  15. A bachelor degree is the new high school diploma
  16. #16 rex8000, Jan 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2011

    I'm still confused.


    But yeah, you have the reigns to your own life. Enjoy it.
  17. Do me a favor and go to labor ready or any general labor employment agency and note the dozens of people waiting in line for minimum wage jobs. Then continue on in school. I only read the short version but you didn't offer any alternative plans that you had. So you have family shit and need to sort through some of your stuff. Fuck your family shit and just focus on school. And fuck your stuff your stuff and your family aren't going to pay your bills.

    Anyways do what you have to do. College did the exact opposite for me. Before I felt trapped and now that I'm enrolled I know I can do anything and I'm not trapped. Without school you better be the next Bill Gates or be okay with working some job that you hate.

    Good luck with it...
  18. I think you've thought about your decision, and it's clear that this isn't something flighty - there is serious illness in your family, and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that.

    I just want to ask...

    Have you looked into *how* you're going to drop out? Many schools offer an option for a year-long "leave of absence" or something similar.

    Basically the idea is that you take a year off but keep open the possibility of returning once the year is over. If you drop out entirely, you probably have to re-apply, and having dropped out of school once already will look bad on any future applications.

    I guess I would suggest looking into it just because there's nothing to lose by keeping the door open. On the one hand, if you take a leave of absence and you really like working for your mother's employer, and the personal training works out, then just don't go back and formally drop out at the end of a year.

    On the other hand, if it's just a leave of absence and things don't work out (you realize personal training was a fun hobby, but not what you want to do for a living, or your mother's employer needs to downsize, or some unlikely tragedy befalls you that prevents personal training from being a viable career option, etc.) then you still have the option of going back to school.

    I don't know for certain that a leave of absence is available at your institution, but I do know that if it is then a serious family illness is undoubtedly grounds for one.

    Just something to think about, and best wishes either way. You've thought seriously about your future, and that's the most important part of getting to where you want to be.

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