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I deactivated my facebook

Discussion in 'General' started by Royksopp, May 10, 2011.

  1. #1 Royksopp, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2011 feels weird.

    Since yesterday, I've fucking had it with that place. I think I need a serious break from fb.

    Now I feel like one of those trendy people who are too cool for fb :(


  2. yeah ive done that twice now, removed all contacts and stuff from FB.. announced my leave.. then magically for some reason i get a bug and come back.

    it is good in a sense, its like weeding. purge all the people you don't wanna talk to, then when (bc you probably will) come back you can just add who ya want again.
  3. I'm too cool for Facebook.
  4. Trends are bad.
  5. lol i've never preached about not using it, but I havent went on it in about a year or two. I just don't really like it. Never got into it like everyone else. I do agree it is very good for cheap advertisement for events you normally wouldn't hear about.

    I don't think im one of those trendy dudes..
    I hate macs:hello:
  6. My facebook is dope. Fuck people up on texas hold'em
  7. i use it mostly as an alternative to twitter/rss feeder i guess. most of the products / businesses i like to keep pace with post updates and such regularly that i like to read..
  8. I recently stopped playing games on Fb and when I did I stopped going on the site.. I was wasting several hours a day on there.. Not anymore. I have all kinds of free time.. this site is next to go..:eek:
  9. Haha your so full of shit you know GC is one of the most addictive susbstances on earth right? fuck herion addicts they have NO IDEA how hard it is to take a few weeks off of GC
  10. Mountain dew makes me have to shit.
  11. Because it's nasty.
  12. OMG, so interesting trend. Breaking off with social networks. Is it new fashon? :)
  13. facebook is lame, i had one for maybe a month, and deleted that bullshit..
    not worth the pile of shit that comes with it.
    your famous because
    your like, unique as fuck being on here.
    people like me, are just like, the norm ya know, theyr all over the place and theyr kind of all the same haha, to a certain extent at least

  14. Yes.

    Nah, plenty of others are unique here too :p

    and I put up some status and someone decided to embarrass me about my drug use on there and I just had it, especially everyones response to it. I'm not going to be humiliated by someone who does far more and worse drugs than me. The fuck :mad:
  15. You're famous? news to me lol

    Yea Facebook has some major downfalls, but as a guy I could never delete it because of all the slutty girls I like to creep on.
  16. He meant on here lol.
  17. I live on it.. great way to keep in contact with everyone.. without I'd probably have forgotten about a bunch of people from highschool, etc

  18. sometimes this is for the best, increase in social networking has probably caused a lot of relationship issues

    people wishing they could see their old partners again, can actually contact them with ease..

    i dunno, some things should just die and stay dead..
  19. #19 Flonkas, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This. And only this.
  20. #20 Deleted member 288974, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    if you would have forgotten about them naturally why do you feel the nees to keep contact with them? just curious

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